As an agency owner of 20+ years – and someone who guides small- to mid-sized agencies in my role at Agency Management Institute every year – I spend time with hundreds of owners and their employees

I get the worries and the risks that come with owning your own agency. I’m a firm believer in the idea that if you’re willing to take the risk of owning an agency, you deserve to reap the benefits of that risk.

There are a lot of different pain points for agency owners but one of the biggest is that they’re frustrated that their account service people aren’t quite where they want them to be. They’re not horrible but they’re not amazing. They don’t think and act like an owner. They take orders rather than lead the clients. They are quick to write off money or capitulate on an estimate and they drop too many balls.

Every one of those less than stellar moments costs an agency (and the agency’s owner) money. And worst of all – every one of those less than stellar moments is 100% avoidable.

That is why I’m inviting you to my FREE workshop on Tuesday, August 25th at 12:00 p.m. EST entitled, 3 Mistakes Your AEs Make That Cost You Money

I’m going to show you some key spots where your AE is costing you time, money, clients, and in some cases – good employees. It’s time to plug that leak and re-capture that revenue.

In the webinar, I’m going to focus on three key areas:

1) Communications with both the client and the internal team. Your AEs are running so fast that they carry the most vital information in their head. They leave the clients and your internal teams feeling out of the loop, which often morphs into surprises that no one wants to get.

2) 1+1 does not equal 2 in agency life. Most AEs do not understand what I can “agency math” so they make bad decisions that eat away at your profits and the client’s confidence.

3) The sit back and wait for the order mentality. As we learned in the research we did last summer with CMOs – clients want account people who can lead. That doesn’t happen by accident and it doesn’t happen if you have an AE who is content to stay in the office and respond to emails.

Please know…this is not a feel good session. It’s not touchy-feely.

Instead, we’ll talk about the challenges and why they exist. I’ll also share with you some of the best practices for addressing those challenges.

I know you’re busy. But I promise that if you take one idea from this webinar and implement it – you will put money back in your pocket, time and time again.

I hope you’re among the 5% who will take action and declare war on the costly mistakes inside your agency. With every improvement, you build a stronger agency, a more secure future, and make more money.

Register for the webinar today by clicking here.