Attracting Qualified Prospects
You are getting face-to-face with as many qualified “A” prospects as you want to grow your income
Attracting Qualified Prospects
You have a written demographic and psychographic description of your Right Fit “A” prospect
Attracting Qualified Prospects
You know the LCV, Lifetime Client Value, of a Right Fit Prospect and how much to profitably invest to get one
Attracting Qualified Prospects
You have multiple predictable marketing systems that generate as many leads as you need
Attracting Qualified Prospects
You have a proven system that nurtures warm prospects and leads into face-to-face appointments
You know your P2C (Prospect to Client) Conversion number
Your P2C Conversion Number is steadily increasing every year
You have a step-by-step system to convert qualified prospects to clients
A staff member is fully trained on the sales system and executes it flawlessly
You have a system that nurtures stalled prospects and clients
Your prospects are convinced of your credibility and trust you even before they meet with you
You have qualified prospects contacting you because of your credibility
You are known as the “go to” advisor among your 3 targeted niches
Qualified prospects can easily differentiate you from other advisors and seek you out
You are using a multi-pronged credibility strategy that includes articles, visible authority connections, radio, TV and book
You have all Right Fit staff who are fully committed and pulling in the same direction
Your staff knows your vison and your “why” and make choices and take action as if they owned your business
Your staff each have a written personal growth plan that they’re actively working on
Your clients are totally comfortable and fully served without needing to talk to you
Your team have clearly defined roles, are able to operate within them and your firm’s productivity exceed industry benchmarks
Transforming your Practice into a Business
You are on track to double your revenue in the next 3 years
Transforming your Practice into a Business
You are making the kind of money you want
Transforming your Practice into a Business
You know your “Energy Zone” and work in it 80% or more of your time making coming to work energizing and fun
Transforming your Practice into a Business
You are taking off as much time as you (and your family) would like without checking in, worry and fear
Transforming your Practice into a Business
You have documented, precision systems for credibility, marketing, sales, on-boarding and delighting your clients