About AMI:
Next to being a lighthouse keeper on a desolate coast, running an agency can be one of the loneliest jobs on earth! You know. You’re probably in that lighthouse right now!
You’re in good company. Agency Management Institute (AMI) is a management consulting business that specializes in helping owners of small and medium sized marketing communication companies move up to their next performance level—and keep improving.
The Agency Management Institute was founded in 1995 (originally called Agency Management Roundtable or AMR) with the intention of teaching and promoting the highest standard of business practices and professional ethics among privately owned agencies (advertising, PR, digital, marketing) in North America.
We also wanted to create a network of agency owners that offered each member a safe, confidential and supportive environment in which to learn, explore and successfully master these business best practices so they could build profitable, sustainable and widely respected agencies.
The ultimate measure of both AMI and its network of member agencies is that each affiliated agency consistently contributes to their clients’ growth and stability, are creative and fun places to work, enhance and shape their community, and serve the business owner’s goals.
Our clients include agencies of all shapes and sizes — advertising, digital, marketing, media, graphic design and PR firms — each with the same goal — they want to get better and make more money.
We serve agencies in a variety of ways:
- Our blog — filled with helpful and relevant content
- Our podcast: Build A Better Agency (one of the top 5% of all podcasts produced)
- Our annual salary and benefits survey — see how you are doing, compared to other agencies your size & in your region
- Our owner workshops — designed specifically for agency owners
- Our staff workshops — designed for your account, digital and financial staff
- Our AMI owner peer networks — A collaborative small group of 12 agency owners who work together to share best practices, pitch business together and act as each other’s board of advisors
- Our accreditation program/credentials, tied to the AMI Manifesto
- Our virtual summit (starting this summer!)
- Our annual summit (starting in 2020 and going on forever and ever!)
Our goal is pretty simple. We want to help you operate your business better, send your kids (and those of your employees) to college, and someday retire with a big, healthy nest egg.
Agency Management Institute focuses on the business of running your business. As profitably and smoothly as possible. And hopefully with some fun along the way.
We invite you to become part of the AMI community in whatever way best serves your business.