Episode 485

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I wanted to wait until after the holidays to talk about this topic because it’s a bit heavier than what we usually talk about on the show. But it’s something that Danyel and I have noticed weighing heavily on a lot of you since COVID, and that is agency owner grief. 

It’s true that many of you have experienced quite a lot of loss and change these past few years  — with the way we work, how well our business is doing, AI, our overall productivity, and so much more. It’s a lot of change to handle, and for many of us, we haven’t taken the proper time to actually acknowledge our grief and begin to let it go. 

But without taking those first steps, that grief will continue to take hold of us and affect us in all aspects of our business — and even our personal lives. Many of you report being restless, unable to focus, depressed, uninspired, feeling heavy, and burnt out. And it’s all because we’re burning the candle at both ends without taking the time to acknowledge just how much change we’ve gone through in the past 5 years as agency owners. 

So I hope you’ll join me and take some time to take stock of everything that’s happened from 2020 to now — the good and the bad — and start to recognize just how much we’ve gone through so we can collectively learn to grieve and begin to let go of the bad to make more room for some good. 

A big thank you to our podcast’s presenting sponsor, White Label IQ. They’re an amazing resource for agencies who want to outsource their design, dev, or PPC work at wholesale prices. Check out their special offer (10 free hours!) for podcast listeners here.

agency owner grief

What You Will Learn in This Episode:

  • Why agency owners are struggling mentally and emotionally more than ever
  • Understanding agency owner grief and what’s caused it to increase in the past 5 years
  • Addressing agency owner grief
  • The 5 stages of grief and how it manifests for agency owners
  • The trickle effect of grief on agencies
  • How we can begin to identify our grief 
  • Starting the healing process after we identify the source of our grief
  • Seeing post-COVID as an agency renaissance

“You were so busy managing the change that I don't think you stopped to recognize or deal with the grief. We grieve when we lose a person, nothing that says we won’t grieve when we experience change in other aspects of our lives.” - Drew McLellan Share on X
“We have not yet worked our way out of that grief because we haven't given ourselves permission to grieve. So we're stuck in this state, and we cannot get to the acceptance stage.” - Drew McLellan Share on X
“We didn't get to control the change. We didn't ask for it, we didn't want it, we just had to endure the consequences of it. And I think the weight of that is one of the things that you are feeling right now.” - Drew McLellan Share on X
“We were so focused on the struggle to get to the goal we didn't leave room for the emotions. We tamped down that grief. We have to recognize it's there, it's in our heart and our head. It's affecting us physically, emotionally.” - Drew McLellan Share on X
“You can thrive in today’s business environment, but you have to shed the grief we’re feeling over how our business had to change. Free up that headspace and get energy back in heart so you can pour it into where the agency is today.” - Drew McLellan Share on X

Ways to contact Drew:


Welcome to the Agency Management Institute community where you’ll learn how to grow and scale your business, attract and retain the best talent, make more money, and keep more of the money you make. The Build A Better Agency Podcast presented by a White Label IQ is packed with insights on how small to mid-size agencies are getting things done, bringing his 25 years of experience as both an agency owner and agency consultant. Please welcome your host, Drew McLellan.

Hey everybody. Drew McLellan here from Agency Management Institute back again with another episode of Build a Better Agency. This is one of my solo casts, so just you and me, no guests this time talking about something that I’ve either observed or Danielle and I have been talking about or something you’ve been asking a lot about. So this is our opportunity just to kind of have this one-on-one conversation between us. And I’m looking forward to the conversation today. It’s when, actually I’ve been kind of waiting. I knew I wanted to have this conversation, but I didn’t wanna do it around the holidays. I wanted to wait till we were kind of past the holidays and you were back in the groove of work. ’cause I think it’s a really important topic and I didn’t want you to miss it in all of the holiday merriment.

So before we get into that though, as you know on every solo cast, we announce a winner. So someone wins a free seat at one of our live workshops. So the way you get into the drawing for this free seat is pretty simple. All you need to do is leave a rating or and review wherever you download the podcast. So it might be iHeartRadio, it might be Google, it might be Apple, wherever it is. If you go to where you download or subscribe to the podcasts and you find the Build a Better Agency Podcast, leave a rating and review. And then this is important. Take a screenshot of your review and then email it to me.

Send it to [email protected]. Why? Because even though we read all the reviews and we greatly appreciate them, a lot of times you use a user ID that doesn’t tell us either they’re your real name or certainly not a way to get ahold of you or the agency that you work at or that you own. And so we need that screenshot so that we can put your name in the drawing and then notify you when you win. And here’s the deal. Your name stays in the drawing until you win, and our universe isn’t that great. Sooner or later it’s going to be your turn. So for a five to 10 minute effort, you’re gonna win a $2,000 seat at a live workshop.

All you have to do is get to Denver and join us, and the workshop is on the house on us. So we’re super excited to do that for all of you and to get to meet a lot lot of you that we wouldn’t have a chance to meet otherwise. And so it’s a good deal for us too because it just expands the community and we get to spend some time with you. So this, this solo cast winner is Katie Doss. So Katie owns an agency that is called Hey Molly Girl. And she has been an a MI community member for a long time. So we’ve actually, she’s been at the summit, she’s been other things like that. But now we get to hang out with her for two days at a workshop.

So Katie, I’ll be reaching out to you to remind you in case you miss it here on the podcast that you have won a seat and we will look forward to seeing you soon. All right, so with that, let’s talk about what I want to sort of get into your brain this, this January of 2025. You know, this is a time of year when we are looking forward, we’re thinking about the year ahead, and normally we’re coming outta the holidays. We are enthusiastic, we are optimistic, we are looking forward to the challenges. We’ve set goals and we are ready to crush it.

But honestly, it’s been kind of a bumpy ride the last few years. When you think about it in just a very brief window of time, five years, we have endured Covid and everything that Covid did to our business, it changed how we work, where we work, who we work for, how we get paid. It’s just changed everything about our business. And right after Covid, of course, and as a result of Covid, we all endured the great resignation. Many of you were hiring any human being you could find for a period of time because you were so desperate for bodies and you were struggling to find qualified people.

Thank goodness that has gotten a lot better. But that was a grueling season for many of you. Then we waled into 2023 where new business was just not happening for most agencies. And for many of you, it was one of the toughest years that you faced in terms of trying to get new clients, keep the clients you have. It was just really financially a really bumpy year for many agencies. And then we phased into 2024 with the economy up in the air, crazy election here in the United States and some crazy elections all through the world. There was a lot of uncertainty and unrest and a feeling of discontent.

And so one of the things that Danielle and I have been talking about is all of that. And then on top of all of that, you’ve got AI coming in and changing again, the way we work. We’ve been talking about how agency owners are showing up and how we’re seeing you. And one of the things that we’ve both observed is that many of you are tired, you’re fatigued, and you are struggling in some really interesting ways. So see if any of this sounds familiar to you, many of you are struggling to focus. It’s hard for you to get up for the day, it’s hard for you to be excited about what’s coming around the bend.

You know that you have to get something done or you have to concentrate on a task or make a decision, but you’re struggling with the focus of getting that done. You’re feeling fatigued and maybe unmotivated. It’s hard. More of you have sort of the Sunday night blues than we’ve seen in a long time where it’s like, ugh, Monday is coming and it’s hard for you to get geared up for the week. Some of you are have shared with us that you’re experiencing more mood swings, that your emotions feel more raw and on the edge, and that you are quicker to literally go from tears to anger, to frustration to joy all over the board.

Or some of you have said it’s the opposite, where instead of struggling with focus and lack of energy, now you becoming overly fixated in certain tasks and you’re just so laser focused in that it’s hard for you to see the forest for the trees. One of the, one of the things that we are seeing and hearing a lot about is that many of you are self-reporting that you’re not as productive as used to be, that you’re struggling to be as effective as a leader in the client work you’re doing in running the business in terms of looking at the finances and things like that.

Another interesting thing that we’re seeing with a lot of agency owners is a little bit of paralysis around making decisions. You’re anxious about making the wrong decision. And so sometimes you get stuck where you are either unable to make a decision or on the other side of the spectrum, some of you are making very hasty decisions that in retrospect when you look back you think, wow, I’m not really sure that that was a good choice for us. We’re seeing a lot of agency owners having to check out more often, taking more time off of work or flip on the flip side, feeling like they cannot get away, but that they’re so distracted that they have to get away just to sort of reenergize enough to stay in the game.

Some of you are reporting sleep disturbances that you’re having a hard time sleeping or you wanna sleep all the time. Some of you are saying that you know, it’s harder for you to get to the gym or go for the walk or do the exercise, that that has been more challenging for you. Some agency owners are reporting that they just don’t feel like being as social anymore and they’re starting to isolate themselves from colleagues or clients, business partners, their spouse, their family, their friends, and that they’re feeling more strain in their relationships. Again, everything feels more on the edge, like it’s everything’s on the surface.

All those emotions, all of your nerve endings are sort of irritated and things feel bigger, heavier, more important, weightier. So if that’s you, if you’re feeling any of that or you’re just feeling like maybe you’ve lost a pa, the passion for the business that it’s not as much fun as it used to be, that it’s harder than it used to be, and all of that emotion is getting really heavy. So I’m curious if that rings a bell for any of you because we’re seeing a lot of it and not, not with all of you, and all of you are not experiencing all of those symptoms, but many of you, I would say two thirds of the agency owners we talk to on a regular basis.

And as you know, we’re talking to you and we’re seeing you seven days a week, two thirds of you are reporting some subset of all of that emotion or the changes you’re going through and you’re struggling to figure out where is this coming from and how do I shake it? How do I get rid of this feeling or these feelings or this malaise that I have? And I think we have not done a good job of recognizing the source of all of that. And the source of all of that is grief. It’s not grief like we’ve lost a person.

But when you think about it as a, as a business owner and leader, you have experienced profound loss since covid. You have, you have lost how you used to run your business. You’ve, you’ve lost sort of the pre pandemic normal. You’ve lost everybody being in the office together and the culture that was created there. You’ve lost how you communicate with clients. You’ve lost in some cases going to trade shows, but everything has changed and you were so busy managing the change that I don’t really think you stopped to recognize or deal with the grief that you are feeling.

And so just like we go through grief, when we lose a person, there’s nothing that says we aren’t gonna go through grief when we experience change in other aspects of our life. When you think about it, the impact of COVID-19 has been staggering just back in 2020, between February and April. Think about that February and April. So just a couple months, that number of active business owners in the US plummeted by over 3 million people, or 22% of business owners between February and April evaporated.

This was the largest drop in business ownership ever. And it impacted our industry in dramatic ways. So some of us have a little bit of survivor’s guilt around that, that we did survive that and other people we know didn’t. But beyond sort of the, the factual side of that, really grief is all about our personal experience, our personal story, the losses that we experienced. It wasn’t just revenue or clients, but for many of us, we’ve lost a way of life, a way of working a dream of how we wanted our business to be, or an identity that we have crafted over the years.

We’ve had to reinvent our business and we’ve had to reinvent ourselves. And I don’t believe that we have stopped to recognize that or deal with that grief. And when you don’t, I can speak to this from a personal experience, when you don’t acknowledge your grief and you don’t work through your grief, it doesn’t go away. It just gets sneakier and heavier and sooner or later it forces you to deal with it. And I think for many of you, you’re at the point where your grief around what covid took away from you has gotten to be so great that it literally, it physically and literally is keeping you some days like you can barely get outta bed because you are so exhausted from carrying the weight of that grief.

So business grief, business owner, grief, post covid, grief, call it whatever you want, looks a lot like the grief we do experience when we lose a loved one. So we all know the five stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. And I think a lot of us we’re past the denial stage, but I think a lot of us are still in the anger stage or the bargaining stage, and many of us are stuck in the depression stage. We have not yet worked our way out of that grief because we haven’t given ourself permission to grieve. So we’re stuck in this state and we cannot get to the acceptance stage.

Now some of you walled right through it, some of you got through it pretty quickly. You acknowledged that things were different, but maybe in some cases you saw the differences as opportunities. For some of you, it was an exciting opportunity to reinvent your business. But for the lion’s share of you, you are grieving something that you have built over the last 10 or 20 or 30 years and it’s just not the same anymore. So you might find yourself sort of stuck or denying the long-term impact of the pandemic or feeling angry about it, about the circumstances that are beyond your control.

And all of us, I think are wistful about going back to air quotes normal or the old way. Even though we know that that’s not the way change works, it is very difficult to reverse engineer change and go back to what was, it is hard to undo something that has, that has changed. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t have emotion around the fact that the changes happened. And in many cases we didn’t get to control the change. We didn’t ask for it, we didn’t want it. We just had to endure the consequences of it. And I think that weight of that is one of the things that you are feeling right now.

You know, grief is, has had impact and they’ve actually measured the effect of grief on businesses in terms of lost productivity, in terms of poor decision making sometimes in terms of turning to substances. So understand that your grief isn’t just yours, But it is trickling through your organization. So if you are frustrated that you can’t have a healthier, happier culture inside your agency, it might be grief if you are angry that your employees just don’t show up the way they used to show up. It might be grief If you are sad or tired and you think of the business as this huge mountain that you have to climb and you’re just thinking to yourself, gosh, I’m not sure I have the energy to do this anymore.

It might be grief. But there are also some psychological factors in place that layer on top of the grief. So the truth of the matter is, we as human beings do not like change. We prefer and and not just prefer we have a strong tendency to avoid loss rather than acquiring a gain. So if I have a choice, if I as a human being not necessarily drew I, but if I as a human being have two paths, and one is you can avoid loss, and the other one is if you take this path, there might be some big wins, but you’re gonna have loss. Most of us will tend to take the path that avoids loss.

So they call this the loss aversion bias, which makes us much more likely to resist change if we perceive it as potential loss rather than a gain. And I don’t know a lot of business owners who are saying, you know what, COVID was great for business. I love all the ways it changed my business. It changed the way that my employees related with each other. It changed our office structure, it changed the way we collaborate together. I don’t hear that a lot. What I hear is what you miss, not what you gain. And again, that’s your brain’s preference for avoiding loss. Our brain also prefers routine consistency, status quo.

We think we, when we talk about change, we talk about it like it’s this great thing until we have to be the one that changes. But the reality is our brain would rather we not change and and our desire for that routine, that consistency creates a tension between our neuro pathways and the need when change is thrust upon us, we actually have to change our neuro pathways to adapt to the change. But our brain is like, no, don’t change. So you have the grief and then you just have your biology fighting against the change and that’s adding to your fatigue.

So all of this is to say, what we are often experiencing right now, what many of you are experiencing without being able to put a name on it, is our body’s desire to hold onto the status quo and that status quo being ripped out from under us and us grieving that loss. So what do we do about it? How do we, how do we fix it? I’m gonna take a quick break and then we’re gonna talk about how do we begin to identify that grief, give it a name, give it some space and begin to heal it. All right, I’ll be right back.

Hey everybody, just wanna remind you before we get back to the show that we have a very engaged Facebook group. It’s a private group just for podcast listeners and agency owners that are in the AAMI community. And to find it, if you’re not a member, head over to facebook.com/groups/baba podcast. So again, facebook.com/groups/ BB podcast. All you have to do is answer a few questions to make sure that you are an actual agency owner or leader and we will let you write in and you can join over 1700 other agency owners and leaders. And I’m telling you, there’s probably 10 or 15 conversations that are started every day that are gonna be of value to you.

So come join us. Alright, I am back and we’ve been talking about business grief, agency owner grief, a very different kind of grief than probably what most of you would even think about or have experienced. But the reality is psychologists will say that our emotional response to business loss or change is no different than our psychological and emotional response to a personal loss of someone that we care about. So the first step, and this is why I thought this podcast was so important and why I wanted to wait until after the holidays and you were kind of back in work mode, the most important step in getting past this grief as business owners is recognizing that we’re experiencing it.

It is acknowledging that we are grieving and that it’s okay for us to mourn the loss of our pre pandemic business operations. That this is a significant loss, that is worthy of your attention and care, that it, it’s not just a little foible or a bump in the road. It literally was life jarring, life altering change that was thrust upon us in a very scary crisis moment. And we were left with the aftermath. And it’s okay for us to go, you know what?

That was hard. I didn’t ask for it. And I’m not happy about some of the post pandemic results that I’m now dealing with. I don’t like working as hybrid or remote. I don’t like not knowing all my employees. I don’t like fill in the blank. Whatever it is about where you’re at today versus where you were at five years ago. It’s important to acknowledge the loss and that you have a lot of emotions tied to that loss. So it starts with acknowledging your feelings. I think for many of us, we’ve been so focused on pushing forward on getting ahead, on getting back on our feet, getting knocked down to our knees and getting back up again.

We haven’t allowed ourselves any time or space to feel what we’re feeling. We’ve been so driven to try and get back on track that we’re not making room for all of the feelings that we’re feeling. And with any kind of grief, part of the experience of that grief is, is actually acknowledging and sitting in those yucky feelings. And so we have subconsciously because we’ve been so busy and we’ve been pushing so hard and we needed to make up for the losses and we have to find good employees and fill in the blank and fill in the blank, we have suppressed those feelings.

Not because I think we were aware that we were grieving and we were trying to stuff the grief somewhere. I just think we were so focused on the goal, whatever the goal was in that moment and the struggle to get to that goal, we just didn’t leave room for the emotions. And so we just tamped down that grief. We have to recognize that it’s there, it’s in our heart, it’s in our head. It’s affecting us physically, mentally, emotionally. Number one, we have to acknowledge it. And a great way to do that I think, is to spend some time writing about the business that you had and what you loved about it and what you miss about it.

And just getting those feelings out on paper. Another way to do that, if you don’t want to journal, if that’s not your thing, maybe in the Facebook group or maybe if you’re in one of our peer groups, sharing that, experiencing talking about your feelings, not the facts, but talking about the feelings of what you’re experiencing with other agency owners who truly understand what you’re going through. There’s a catharsis in talking about that with someone else and somebody else saying, yep, I’m feeling that way too. There’s, there’s comradery in that and there is healing in that. The next thing you could do is you could start to identify, despite the loss, despite the change, what are some of the good things that have come from post covid reality?

For some of you, you love working from home. You love not having to the commute into the office every day. You may love not having to pay rent anymore if you don’t have an office space, you may love that. One of the things Covid did was it allowed you to hire people from all over the world And it wasn’t weird anymore and clients didn’t object to it anymore. And in fact it’s become perfectly normal. So a broader, better workforce, a work environment that you love, whatever it is, acknowledge that there actually is some good things that came out of the loss and celebrate those.

The next thing I think you can do is start focusing on what you can control. None of us can go back and erase what the pandemic did, but we can control how our business comes out of that or came out of that and how we respond to that. So if we’re carrying a lot of negative emotion into the office or into the Zoom meetings or into the team meetings and every time there’s a challenge around something that happened post covid, if we get all up in it and we just sort let it work us up, what we’re doing is we’re infecting our entire team.

They, they will take their lead from us and go, oh, I guess this is a bigger deal than I thought it was. As opposed to saying, I am going to a acknowledge that change is hard and that some of these changes I don’t love, but I’m also gonna acknowledge that it’s presenting new opportunities. And when those opportunities are presented to us in a team setting, I’m gonna celebrate the fact that we wouldn’t have been able to do this before 2020 because of this reason. Or you know what, we might not have had the team to chase after this kind of business before we were able to expand the marketplace from which we hired whatever it is you modeling, acknowledging the change and the loss, but also celebrating the upside of that change.

And the shift is super important. And now you can control some elements of what feels to you like it was taken from you And it was out of your control. Another thing we can do to sort of begin to move that through that grief process is to focus on the little wins, the big wins, focus on the things that we’ve been able to do as an agency post covid. Whether that’s you’ve won a bunch of awards, whether you’ve landed some new clients, whether you are having new experiences in terms of going to different conferences or meeting different people, whatever it is that has been a positive post covid starting to celebrate those things and acknowledge this would’ve never happened in the good old days.

You know, one of the other things that we know psychologically is that our brains are wired to forget the hard parts and to only remember the good things. When you think about high school or college or some aspect of your life that is 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 years back in history, you don’t remember the hard days. You don’t remember the day you got a C on your math test or when the school bully picked on you or fill in the blank, but you do remember that great prom experience or you do remember when you were the top of your class or you won the state championship in soccer or whatever it is.

Our, our minds tend to clinging to the happy memories. So you can go back and celebrate those. But also remember there were some things that weren’t so awesome about back then that are easier to today. And celebrating those wins and celebrating those shifts will help you move out of the, whether it’s you’re angry or you’re bargaining and trying to go back to the old way or you are depressed and sad about it, to push through those emotions and get to acceptance. You may never be the person who’s like, you know what?

I am so glad Covid happened because this is different and this is better. You may not be that, but at least for you to release yourself from the weight of that grief and accept the fact that this is new normal and that we are probably never going back to working the way we used to work. And that the way we communicate today, whether that’s on Slack or we have more zoom meetings, I don’t know about you, but I don’t have very many phone conversations anymore. Everything’s on Zoom or teams or meetings or whatever. So things have changed and acknowledging that this is the new way and that we are absolutely capable of capitalizing on the new way.

Allow yourself to say goodbye to the pre covid agency that you owned or ran or were a part of. Allow yourself to work through the stages of grief and allow yourself to accept the fact that this new normal is here to stay until the next big thing happens and changes it all over again. But for now, which ironically, if you think about it, whatever’s coming down the road, we’re gonna look back on this moment, we grief and nostalgia and a longing because whatever’s ahead of us, the new, new, whatever that may be, whenever that may be, seems like it’s on a 10 year cycle.

But the reality is this will be what we long for someday. So maybe we can celebrate it now while we’re in it. Maybe we can take advantage of it. You know, it’s, it’s like how you never go to all the tourist attractions in your hometown until somebody from out of market comes to visit you. Maybe it’s time to go to your local attraction. Maybe it’s time for us to celebrate the good things about the way we’re working now. Rather than looking back with nostalgia eight years from now. Maybe it’s important for us to focus on and to celebrate and acknowledge the good things that are in this post covid world for us and for our agencies.

That’s how we begin to heal that grief. And that’s how we begin to have our hearts and our heads open up, have enough energy to have the mental and emotional space to adapt, to innovate, and to thrive in this business environment. Every one of you can and should thrive in this business environment, but you gotta shed some of that weight. You gotta get rid of some of that grief. You need to open up the space and get energy back in your head and heart so that you can pour that energy into the projects that you have. Passion around your business absolutely looks different right now, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be successful.

It doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. It doesn’t mean you can’t love it again, but you have to work through the grief. You have to honor what was lost. While you are building something new and something strong and something resilient, you absolutely have to give yourself permission to say goodbye to the old, to the things that you used to love before you can say hello to the new and the opportunity that is in front of you. So I’m telling you, I don’t believe there’s ever been a bigger moment of opportunity for us than right now. I think post covid is our renaissance post Covid is our chance to reinvent.

Post covid is our chance to be innovative all over again. To literally walk away from how we used to do it and come up with new, better, bigger ways. But we have to first say goodbye. And I think that’s what’s holding some of you back. And I think that’s what’s making you tired and feeling like maybe I don’t have the passion for it anymore. I don’t have the energy for it anymore. I do think you do. I absolutely do think you still have the energy for it, but you gotta shed some of that weight. And when you do now you’re gonna get excited about the new business plan. Now you’re gonna get excited about how to use technology to attract right fit clients to you.

Now you’re gonna be ready to pivot and adapt as your client’s businesses demand that you do so you can support them for each and every one of us. This is a ripe opportunity for our business and we’re denying ourselves that because we’re stuck. So my, my suggestion to you is to get yourself unstuck. To work through the grief to first of all, to acknowledge it and then work through it so that you can embrace this opportunity rich environment that we’re in. Rather than seeing it as a quagmire of different and hard and new.

See it as new and exciting and innovative and as we always have as an industry, be a leader in it. But first say goodbye. That’s, that’s my suggestion for you is if you’re feeling any of the things that I’ve talked about in this episode, give yourself permission to grieve, to say your goodbyes and then to look forward with energy and lightness that you haven’t been feeling lately. Alright, hope that was helpful. I wanted to say a thanks to our friends at White Label IQ. They are the presenting sponsor of this podcast, have been with us for many years as the presenting sponsor.

They’re also the presenting sponsor at the Build a Better Agency Summit, which by the way, is coming up in May. We would love to see you. We only have think about 150 tickets left, so grab your ticket if you don’t have one already, ’cause we will sell out. But huge thanks to our our friends at White Label IQ for supporting the podcast and the summit. They do white label design dev and PPC for agencies all over the world and they know exactly how to work with you ’cause they are born out of an agency. They’ve been part of AAMI for 20 plus years. Really good people. Head over to White Label IQ dot com slash AAMI to learn more about what they can do for you and your agency.

All right? Be good to yourself and give yourself permission to shed some of that weight that you’ve been carrying for the last few years. It’s okay to let it go. It’s okay to say goodbye and it’s okay to look forward to the future. Alright, I’ll see you soon. Thanks for listening.

That’s a wrap for this week’s episode of Build a Better Agency. Visit agency management institute.com to check out our workshops, coaching and consulting packages, and all the other ways we serve agencies just like yours. Thanks for listening.