I want to write a book for my agency, but where do I start?
You have a story and the expertise that deserves to be shared. You have the ambition to author a book and become the authority who will inspire and educate others and boost your own career and personal goals. And you have the tenacity to believe in your success, and how far your story can go. Hence, you might have wondered, “I want to write a book to grow my agency and thought leadership, but where do I start?” There’s a reason why the majority of business owners who want to author a book at some point in their lifetime never actually get their words onto paper. Writing a book can initially seem like a daunting task that takes hundreds of hours of work. It might even seem that it requires a lot of luck, (and maybe even exclusive networking or connections), to be successful. This is exactly why an estimated 98% of people who want to write a book never actually do. But don’t let the work ahead discourage you from pursuing your goals! You’ve already taken a step forward simply by researching where to start, and the path ahead is certainly not an insurmountable one. So before you get started on creating your book, take a moment to read the following tips and strategies. This can ensure that you stay motivated, positive, and excited about your upcoming book from the first page to the last. Setting the Scene to Write a Book The very first thing you need to do is to ensure that you have everything required to start writing. And most importantly to have all you need to continue writing until you finish your book. It’s easy to spend an hour or [...]