Foundations is a 12-week mini course that is a combo of video lessons (with some homework, downloads, etc.) and a weekly live Q&A call to talk about how you’re implementing what you learned earlier that week.

We are starting our next 12-week cycle the week of October 5th.  Calls are every Monday night at 7 pm central and/or every Wednesday at 3 pm central. (Pick the one that works best for you or attend both!)

You’ll receive the link to lesson #1’s video course on Wednesday, September 30th and the first call will be the following Monday.

Are you discovering this after October 5th?  No worries, you can access all of the video lessons and jump into the calls whenever you register.

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

  • Week one: What will your agency look like in a year/3 years (starting with the end in mind)
  • Week two: Agency math & setting up your P&L properly
  • Week three: KPIs for your agency
  • Week four: Differentiating your agency
  • Week five: Marketing your agency
  • Week six: Building and nurturing your agency’s sales funnel
  • Week seven: Legal docs your agency needs
  • Week eight: Key docs for your workflow
  • Week nine: Client relationship best practices
  • Week ten: Pricing/proposals
  • Week eleven: Upselling clients
  • Week twelve: Building your team (contractors, staff, etc.)

Who Should Attend?

Agency owners — whether you’re thinking of starting an agency, your shop is a couple years old or you’ve been doing this for years! We’ll have plenty for every agency owner, at every experience level, to chew on.

Registration Information:

We kick off the video lessons on September 30th and our first Q&A call is October 5th at 7 pm central.

Register securely online here

Tuition: $997 for non-members and $797 for members

Money back guarantee: if you view all of the lessons and attend all of the Q&A sessions and still feel like you didn’t get your money’s worth — just call or send us an email, and you will be refunded 100% of your tuition – no questions asked.

Your instructors:  Drew McLellan will create all of the video lessons and Drew will be on every call.