When you hear marketing agencies say “content is king,” we don’t mean creative is king. Content’s supremacy has less to do with the creative genius behind it and more to do with the strategy that makes creation worthwhile.  Businesses now recognize that creative work is only as valuable as the results it delivers.

In the old days, agencies led new business pitches with creative assets. Clients were excited to see new artistic concepts and ideas. Today’s clients want far less of that. Modern companies expect to see strategy and hard numbers, and agencies that cling to a creative-oriented past could lose business to their strategy-driven competitors.

Recently I brought up this changing process in an article I contributed to Forbes.com, and elaborated on the need for agency’s to adapt and change to fit their client’s evolving priorities. Think about the clients you want to serve and the opportunities on your horizon. What roles will you need to fill to meet those challenges? What will those clients want from you, and how can you organize your company to deliver on those requests?