Thanks for registering for the Running Your Agency for Growth & Profit (and some sanity!) Workshop on March 14 & 15!

We’re looking forward to spending a couple of days with you, talking about ways to fine-tune your agency to help you make more money, get/keep more clients and have more fun.

We will definitely be adopting the AMI philosophy of — “you will gain in proportion to what you share” – so I’m hoping that everyone will come to the workshop ready to learn from each other and hopefully from us as well. We will also be honoring the AMI commitment to confidentiality so please come ready to get to know each other’s agencies — warts and all.

Please fill out this brief questionnaire before coming! The sooner you do it, the better job we can do to make sure you get the most out of this class. 

Here’s everything you need to know for the workshop.


Conference Chicago (2nd floor)
525 South State Street
Chicago, IL 60605

Nearby hotel suggestions can be found here:


We’ll start both mornings at 8:30 am with breakfast in the meeting room. We will start the actual workshop at 9 am both mornings. We’ll shut down on day one at 5 pm and on day two at 3 pm.

We’re hoping that after day one, you will be our guest for dinner. Details will be provided that morning.

If you need to get home, you could fly out after the second day’s session. Just allow a good hour of drive time to either Chicago airport. Please do not book a flight that will force you to leave early.


Please come to both day’s meetings in casual clothes. Shorts, polos, jeans — whatever makes you comfortable. However — meeting rooms tend to be chilly and I tend to set them to chilly so you might want to bring a sweater, sweatshirt etc.


We’ll have breakfast in the room both mornings, lunch both days and dinner on that first night.


We know you’ll need to check in with the office and voicemail, email etc. We’ve built a 20-minute break into both the morning and afternoon workflow, so you’ll never be disconnected for more than a couple hours. And you’ll get a full hour at lunchtime.

We can’t predict the exact timing of the morning or afternoon breaks so if you need to schedule a quick call or meeting, we’d recommend 12:15-12:45 pm during the lunch break.


We’re okay with you bringing a laptop or iPad, etc., into the meetings but please know there will not be any internet access. We would ask that you use your technology to take notes — but not to allow yourself to be distracted with email, etc. We’re counting on your active participation.

If so — give me a shout on my cell (515-822-6400) or shoot me an email at [email protected]