I am rereading a book by Dan Martel called “Buy Back Your Time.” Many of you have probably read it; if you have read it once, I highly recommend you reread it.

The whole premise of the book is that we spend a lot of our time doing things that are of low value because we haven’t either decided that they don’t need to be done at all or that someone else could do them as well if not better than we do, and that we are literally robbing ourselves of the time we need to do the things where we add the most value to our business, to our family, whatever it may be.

And you know, the truth is, I think everybody feels like if I just had a few more hours in the day, if I had a little more wiggle room, we’re not going to get that. So we really have to use that resource of our time better if we’re going to get a different result.

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Hey, everybody. Drew McLellan here from Agency Management Institute this week coming to you from home in Denver. You know, as we round the bend and we are entering into 2025, I know for many of us, we are thinking about what we can do different, better, more as we look towards the goals that we've set for this year. But what if it's not about doing more what if it's about doing different? So I am rereading a book by Dan Martel called “Buy Back Your Time” and the whole premise of the book, and many of you have probably read it, and if you have read it once, I highly recommend you read it again. The whole premise of the book is that we spend a lot of our time doing things that are of low value, because we haven't either decided that they don't need to be done at all, or that someone else could do them as well, if not better than we do, and that we are literally robbing ourselves of the time we need to do the things where we add the most value to our business, to our family, or whatever it may be.
And you know, the truth of the matter is, I think everybody feels like if I just had a few more hours in the day, if I had a little more wiggle room, we're not going to get that. So we really have to use that resource of our time better if we're going to get a different result. So if you have not read the book, I highly recommend it. If you've read the book, go back again and I want you to challenge yourself. This is what I'm doing.
I'm challenging myself to identify five things that I can change. Not a million, not 200, but also not one. Five things. And I'm trying to roll them into a month long shifting of responsibilities, tasks, time management. Call it whatever you want, but I need to level up. I need to spend more of my time doing the things that only I can do for the business, that only I can do for my family, that only I can do my for my friends and spend less time doing things that if I was more thoughtful about it or perhaps less controlling about it, I would be able to give it to someone else and let them take on the task.
Okay? All right, I'll see you next week.

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