Your best brand advocates are your employees. A recent study showed that half of workers share employer-related content on social media, and one-third of them did so without being asked. It might be time that companies create employee advocacy programs that are a win for all involved.

The first step of an effective internal advocacy campaign is to identify a goal. For example, this might be lead generation or increased website traffic. Next, create content designed to bridge the gap between your audience and your goal. Finally, you need some way to measure engagement related to your internal advocacy efforts. Remember, the main goal of an employee advocacy campaign is to humanize digital marketing, which builds trust and credibility among your consumers. Your employees benefit from sharing branded content too; by providing the tools to have genuine, authentic conversations with their networks, they can foster digital relationships that eventually become business partnerships.

Your goals will be reached in due time. Your program will grow over time, especially as you finesse it according to the data you receive about how and why employees participate. Your brand gets earned media and positive recognition, and your employees position themselves as knowledgeable thought leaders. Your employees are already your biggest asset. Why not let them tell their own stories?

The full article was originally featured on Cision