I want you to think about the walls and space in your office, and what story does it tell?

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Hey everybody! Drew McLellan here from Agency Management Institute, still coming to you from my house, still anxious to get out of my house. One of the things though that I have to admit, that I've liked about all of us working from home, is that I like the sneak peeks into people's lives when you see what's behind them on a Zoom call, or when you are FaceTiming with them. I love that the little glimpses into what matters to them. And so, as I've literally taken you on a tour of my home, you have seen the things that matter to me. You've seen baseball memorabilia, you've seen Dodger stuff, you've seen Disney stuff. Behind me today, you see some of the posters of Broadway shows that we've seen and we've loved, and I've enjoyed that part of the glimpses into your world and it got me thinking about our offices. And I'm wondering, if you think about, if you can remember what the walls of your office look like, when you think about the walls of your office and the decor of your office, what clues does your office give me about the agency, what matters to you, what you're proud of, what you've done together as a team. Are there photos of the service projects you've done? Have you decorated your walls with client work? What do you surround yourself? Hopefully, we're all heading back to the office soon if we're not already there, and hopefully clients and prospects will be coming there soon as well. So I want you to think about the walls and space in your office, and what story does it tell? Think about all the stories you've learned about the people that you have interacted with on Zoom over the last 90 days, and make sure that that sense of personality and insight is also happening in your office space and on your office walls. And if it's not, now's a great time to be thinking about what you could change or should change to give the office a fresh look when you head back. Okay? I'll talk to you next week.

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