How to Manage a Digital Agency
I’m a big fan of the book Traction by Gino Wickman. It’s a business parable that outlines a systematic way (EOS or the Entrepreneurial Operating System) of running any business. It’s incredibly well suited for understanding how to manage a [...]
Business development happens in inches
I have had several phone conversations recently with agency owners who have sales pipelines that have dried up. They’re frustrated and scared. I get it. We’ve all been there. But when I asked them about their business development activity, they [...]
What do you ask next?
Given the amount of competition out there, the challenges of landing a new client and the struggles with keeping the clients you have – I totally get the hunger to have the right answers. After all, that’s what they’re paying [...]
3 Ways to Start Outsourcing Tasks Off Your Plate
Running a successful agency is no easy feat. Outsourcing tasks is often the best way to keep things under control. With a ton of work and clients to deal with, one can easily get overwhelmed without help and an effective [...]
Who are your inside confidants?
I’ve never met an agency owner who doesn’t find the job a bit lonely sometimes. Most of us grew up in the agency business and we’re used to having at least a portion of our social life stem from our [...]
What’s the plan?
When you’ve worked in your own agency for 20+ years, it’s hard to fathom doing something different. And yet, we all have that vague (or not so vague) impression that we’re working and planning for something. Some talk about retiring [...]
Are you a helicopter boss?
We’ve all heard about or been accused of being helicopter parents by now. The results of helicopter parenting (aka a parent who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life of their child or children) often show up in [...]
Should You Respond to That RFP?
RFPs are costly. As calculated investments, they may have great ROI, but on the whole, they waste resources. Some agencies have gotten to the point where they refuse to participate in the RFP process altogether. On the other end of [...]
Who is wearing the golden handcuffs?
For most agency owners, one of their biggest fears is losing that key employee who helps you run the show. Especially in today’s competitive job market, it’s a fair concern. Many long- term agency employees are being lured away by [...]
3 Proactive Ways to Prevent Ghosting
You had a great conversation with your prospect. Maybe even a few conversations. Emails flew back and forth. You had done your research, figured out their challenges, and developed solid solutions. You had shown the ROI that would come when [...]