What’s your new business model?
Every advertising agency says they have a new business program. Most, I've discovered... have the "oh crap, billings are slow, we need to work the phones, networking events and call some dormant clients" model of prospecting. Over the next month, [...]
Exit interviews – don’t miss this opportunity
I know I'm not telling you anything you haven't already figured out. An agency's employees are so much more than the life blood. They are the walking, talking embodiment of your company. And when they leave -- you can learn [...]
Do you have gold medal employees?
Let's be honest -- employees are both the best and the worst part of owning an agency. It's tough to find the right ones. It's a challenge to train them well. It's a bear to encourage each of them in [...]
Agencies need to walk their social media talk
I had the good fortune of being a guest on a RockStar Radio Network show a couple weeks ago to talk about a topic I believe in strongly -- agencies need to walk their social media talk. My good friend [...]
Agencies need to stop hiring “nice”
One of my pet peeves is the hiring practices of agencies -- we need to stop hiring "nice". Earlier this month, we kicked off a conversation about why agencies find themselves relegated to vendor status. If you remember, we identified 3 [...]
Should my advertising agency take on debt?
All debt is not bad debt -- the question you need to ask yourself is 'should my advertising agency take on debt?" Every business faces the issues surrounding cash flow and keeping the money moving in and back out the [...]
Do you see a vendor when you look in the mirror?
Earlier this week, we kicked off a conversation about why agencies find themselves relegated to vendor status. If you remember, we identified 3 causes. The economy -- workforce reductions, budget cuts and overall fear (out of your control) Agencies willingness to [...]
The economy is pushing agencies into vendor roles
Earlier this week, we kicked off a conversation about why agencies find themselves relegated to vendor status. If you remember, we identified 3 causes. The economy -- workforce reductions, budget cuts and overall fear (out of your control) Agencies willingness [...]
Tired of being treated like a vendor? Stop acting like one.
Agency owners and staff alike have been complaining to us for several years about the growing number of clients – including existing clients – who insist on employing the agency as needed, rather than maintaining a long-term working relationship. In [...]