How to Use Emotional Theory to Create a Cultlike Brand Following

The content that leaves the strongest impact doesn’t detail a product’s every bell and whistle. Instead, it makes us feel something: happy, relieved, sad, angry, scared, etc. In this piece I recently contributed to I discuss how to use emotional theory to inspire a connection to your brand. 

What Broken Promises Do Inside Agencies

Right now, many agencies struggle with the same serious problem. This issue can drag down profitability, lower employee engagement, and harm the reputation of the offending company, and in many cases, the biggest offenders are agency leaders. Unfortunately for clients and teams, some agency leaders struggle to keep their promises. We might be busy — [...]

Ready or Not, It’s Time to Create a Vaccine Policy for Your Agency

This is a topic you have to handle with care. People's views on vaccines can vary as well as their unique healthcare situations. In this piece I recently contributed to I discuss how to create a vaccine policy for your agency and why it is important to be thoughtful about the parameters you put [...]

Advertising’s Hybrid Future: Why Outsourcing Is Here to Stay

The pandemic wasn't the first time agency owners and advertising leaders "rented" talent. The 2008 recession forced many businesses to outsource advertising work. In this piece I recently contributed to I discuss how by leveraging the abilities of outsourced partners, agencies can cover skill gaps while making better use of full-time employees.

HR in a Post-Pandemic World: Where Are We Headed?

COVID-19 forced HR professionals to adapt to a new business landscape. Now that we're entering a post-pandemic world, HR must evolve again. In this piece I recently contributed to I discuss the new responsibilities of HR to revisit their cultures and policies, helping them understand the importance of prioritizing diversity and inclusion, flexibility, and [...]

When Was Your Last Public Speaking Opportunity? Here’s How to Brush Up on Your Skills.

They say that the only thing we fear more than public speaking is death -- but the process doesn't have to be that stress-inducing. In this piece I recently contributed to I discuss how you can strategically approach  landing paid or free speaking engagements and bolstering your thought leadership. 

How A Singular Focus On Revenue Limits Your Agency’s Success

As an agency management consultant, I frequently ask agency owners what goals they’ve set for their businesses. Without exception, the first — and often only — goal they cite is more revenue. Unfortunately, revenue is a vanity metric. Bringing in more money might make you feel good, but it doesn’t always indicate meaningful growth. If you’re [...]

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