
AE Best Practices

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How can I help my client?

How can I help my client?

One of my favorite questions for our account people to ask their point of contact inside the client – super simple, but delivers big results – is hey client, while we're building out the marketing plan, what we're thinking about the company's ROI and their goals, I'm curious for you personally what has been outlined for you at the end of the year? What activity, what ROI, and what accomplishment will earn you a raise, a bonus, or a promotion? Once they share that with you, bake it into the plan. Make sure it's part of what you want to deliver by the end of the year. It's going to do a couple of things. It's going to tell your client that you're on their side. Number two, it's going to elevate a conversation from being an order taker to being a thinking partner and a marketing partner. Number three, it's going to create a champion inside that organization for you, because everybody loves somebody who will help them get a raise, bonus or promotion. So it's a super simple way to have a more in-depth conversation with a client that demonstrates that we understand that their job is on the line, their success is on the line, and we're a huge part of whether or not they accomplish their goals, both professionally and personally, and that we want to contribute to that in every way we can. Watch »

Are you a sales surfer?

Are you a sales surfer?

What I admire about surfers is their tenacity. Rain, shine, cold or scorching hot -- they are out here every day, practicing their craft. That's how agency owners need to approach sales. Watch »

Why your best clients are at risk

Why your best clients are at risk

One of the top reasons clients give for firing an agency is that after awhile, they think we start to phone it in and stop bringing them big ideas. There's a simple fix for this and it doesn't have to cost you a ton of time or money. Watch »

How many non-billable people should your agency have?

How many non-billable people should your agency have?

AMI's Drew McLellan talks about a financial metric that helps you determine if you have the right number of non-billable FTEs. Watch »

The importance of face time

The importance of face time

Drew McLellan, CEO of Agency Management Institute, offers a weekly agency management tip to agency owners. Watch »

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