I think we are the privileged few. We all got into this business – nobody got into owning an agency or working at an agency to be wealthy. So we got into this because there was something about the work we loved.

And I want to remind you to make sure that whatever it is that drew you to this work—for me, it was the writing; for you, it might have been something different—you bake some of that into your day and your work. We are privileged. We get to control how we spend our days. Yes, there are things we have to do.

We have to do team meetings. We have to look at the books. We have to pursue new business. And for some of you, that may be precisely what you love. But for others, there’s some other element of the work that really fuels your passion. And I want to remind you that you don’t let the burden of owning or helping run an agency keep you from doing the parts of the work that fill your heart, give you passion, fire you up, and inspire you and your team. Make sure you bake that into your day because we’re the lucky few who get to do that.

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Hey, everybody. Drew McLellan here from Agency Management Institute this week coming to you from Fort Myers Beach, Florida.
This is the part of the world that my dad really loved. And I'm recording this, actually on Father's Day. So I'm thinking about my dad. I'm surrounded by my dad, today for a lot of reasons. And, you know, one of the biggest lessons that I learned from my dad was doing work that you love, that it didn't matter how much money you made or the change that you made in the world, if you didn't love your work. That part of make – being able to make change. Part of being able to be good at what we do is a passion for the work that we have.
So my dad wanted to be a veterinarian, grew up super poor, couldn't afford vet school, was good at math and got an accounting scholarship. And so he pursued that career even though it was never his passion. He never loved it. He did it his whole life and he did it incredibly well.
And I want to remind you to make sure that whatever it is that drew you to this work, for me, it was the writing, for you, it might have been something different. But make sure you bake some of that into your day, into your work. We are privileged. We get to control how we spend our days. Yes, there are things we have to do. We have to do team meetings. We have to look at the books. We have to pursue new business. And for some of you, that may be exactly what you love. But for others, there's some other element of the work that really fuels your passion. And I want to remind you that you don't let the burden of owning or helping run an agency keep you from doing the parts of the work that fill your heart, that give you passion, that fire you up, that inspire you and your team. Make sure you bake that into your day as well, because we're the lucky few who get to do that. We should not take that for granted or take it lightly or give it away. So I want you to reflect on what it is you love about our industry and our work, and make sure you get to do some of it.
Okay? All right. I'll see you next week.

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