How can you continue to create a welcoming environment for all kinds of diversity, not just – not just sexual orientation or race or gender or faith, but also the way people think. There’s a lot of talk today about neurodivergence and how different people’s brains are wired and how they work.

And I think there’s a huge opportunity for us to think about that and create pathways inside our organization where we can tap into everybody’s experiences, strengths, and uniqueness and make those part of what we offer our clients. So as always, I, I hope that we all believe this as people, but certainly as business owners, the more unique and diverse our ecosystem is inside our agency, the more we can connect with and be of service to clients and their audiences, who are also very diverse.

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But before we unplug, there are just a couple of things that I wanted to chat with you about — kind of tuck into your brain.
So as I record, this is June 1st, which of course is the kickoff of Pride Month. As I was watching on social people starting to celebrate Pride Month and what it meant to them, it occurred to me that it's a good reminder for us that our organizations are much better when they're diverse. And when we can be inclusive of people, regardless of race or gender or sexual orientation or preference or faith, or fill in the blank that we create a much richer environment for us to think differently and bigger and bolder, for us to connect to more clients, for us to connect to more audiences.
And so as you roll into this summer, I want you to think about how can you continue to create a welcoming environment for all kinds of diversity, not just – not just sexual orientation or race or gender or faith, but also the way people think. There's a lot of talk today about neurodivergence and how different people's brains are wired and how they work. And I think there's huge opportunity for us to think about that and create pathways inside our organization where we can tap into everybody's experiences, strengths, uniqueness and make those part of what we offer our clients. So as always, and I, I hope that we all believe this as people, but certainly as business owners, the more unique and diverse our ecosystem is inside our agency, the more we can connect with and be of service to clients and their audiences, who are also very diverse. So this month, as you hear people talking about Pride and as you celebrate Pride, I want you to even look at it from a bigger lens, from a business lens as well, and think about how you can create that same sense of inclusion and welcoming and recognition that Pride Month is asking all of us to do for our friends who are celebrating that.
Okay? All right. I'll see you next week.

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