How are you going to use this summer to sharpen your saw?

That might mean some downtime, some family time, some vacation, catching your breath, getting inspired again, and getting all of the minutiae of the day out of your brain so you have a chance to really think about the business. For others, it might be some digging into some classes or learning or books. For other folks, it might be watching some videos, some TED Talks, some educational materials, or some new podcasts.

But one thing I do know is that we, as leaders and owners of agencies, cannot slow down in our focus on getting smarter and better. We have to keep adding to the repertoire of what we know, what we know how to do, what we wonder about, what makes us curious, and what we’re learning about.

Agency life is all about lifelong learning. And I always think of summer as a chance—remember when we were kids, and we did the book reading clubs through the summer, and you got credit for how many books you read? Maybe that’s why. But I always think of summer as this opportunity for us to deep-dive into some learning. So my question for you is, should you spend some time this summer really elevating your game and sharpening your saw?

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Hey, everybody. Drew McLellan here from Agency Management Institute this week coming to you from our home in Denver, Colorado. We just wrapped up the 2024 Build a Better Agency Summit, and it was off-the-charts good. And one of the things that made it off-the-charts good was this idea of 360 degree learning, which is a huge component of everything we do at AMI.
So when you come to an AMI event, you show up to teach and you show up to learn. There are things that you've already experienced as an agency owner or leader that other agency owners and leaders need to learn. And there are things that they've experienced that you could learn from and that's on top of all the speakers and all the other people who were there just to teach.
So it was a great learning experience. And if you weren't with us, I'm really sorry you missed it. If you're with us, super glad you were there. But whether you were with us or not, we have a whole summer ahead of ourselves. And my question for you is, how are you going to use this summer to sharpen your saw? So for some of you, that might mean some downtime, some family time, some vacation, catching your breath, getting inspired again, getting all of the minutia of the day out of your brain so you have a chance to really think about the business.
For others of you, it might be some digging into some classes or learning or books. For other folks, it might be watching some videos, some TED Talks, some educational materials, some new podcasts. But one of the things I do know – it also might be experimenting with AI
Agency life is all about lifelong learning. And I always think of summer as a chance – remember when we were kids and we did the book reading clubs through the summer, and you got credit for how many books you read? Maybe that's why. But I always think of summer
But my question to you is how? And again, it could be anything from taking some time off and just letting the creative juices flow to specific things you want to focus on, or learn or consume. But don't get to Labor Day and say, you know what? I don't know anything I didn't know at Memorial Day. I need to know some new things.
This is your opportunity. So put together some sort of a learning program. Maybe it's for you. Maybe it's for everybody inside your shop. But let's get smarter and better this summer.
Let's do it together. All right? Talk to you soon.

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