What does growth actually mean?
I very rarely meet an agency owner who doesn’t want to grow their agency. And of course, we translate that in our heads to mean more people and more money. But growth is much more diverse than that — and [...]
What’s your zone?
You know those days or that meeting or event where, when it’s over, you think to yourself... “That was so awesome. I love days like today. We totally knocked it out of the park and I feel so energized and [...]
Count your blessings
Being an agency owner is tough in today’s world. Clients and employees are more fickle and demanding, the margins get tighter as you try to keep everyone happy and well cared for, and the learning curve is steep. I get [...]
A basic primer on agency math
I was in a FB group for agency owners today and someone posed the question "what is your number one tip for people starting their agency up?" I said, "Understand agency math and set up your financials and dashboards does [...]
Your agency’s evolution
I don’t believe there is an ideal size for an agency. But there’s probably an ideal size for your agency, based on your goals, ambitions, age, client mix, and the role you want to play in your own shop. Whether [...]
How To Establish A Work-Life Balance When You’re Working Yourself To Death
As a result of the coronavirus, many employees are still working from home, and some will likely continue to do so until next year. It might have been easy to "temporarily" switch up your schedule and push through at first, but it's [...]
How do you recharge?
Our business is rife with myths. What clients will and won’t do. Which channels are dead long before they are dead. But the one that I think is most dangerous to your business is that it can’t survive without you. [...]
New mini course added!
Okay -- so not only is it new, it's our first. Check out the Foundations mini course! Having a strong foundation for your agency is critical any time but right now, it may be the difference of surviving or not. [...]
How to Manage Digital Marketing Team
Every year, I get to hang out with 30+ digital team members from various AMI agencies hailing from California to Connecticut and everywhere in between. They come together once a year to pick each other’s brains, learn about new tools, [...]
Who should be on your leadership team?
A few of the agencies we’re working with have committed to building a leadership team and actually holding each other accountable (you all let each other off the hook way too often) for the internal goals they’d agreed needed to [...]