You know those days or that meeting or event where, when it’s over, you think to yourself… “That was so awesome. I love days like today. We totally knocked it out of the park and I feel so energized and pumped. What a great day!”

What makes a day that kind of day for you? Are you putting together a new service offering for the agency? Creating a financial dashboard for your leadership team? Tinkering with the code on a new site? Representing your agency by serving on a prominent board? Mentoring some young talent in your shop or are you developing a new brand for a client?

Whatever it is, and it’s going to be different for each of you — that’s your zone. That’s the kind of work that fills your bucket and energizes you. And odds are, you don’t get to do it very often.

Agency owners have a pretty long list of must-dos. But one of your must-dos should be getting into your zone. Don’t get me wrong — I’m not saying you get to spend all of your days doing client work. There’s plenty of work that only you can do and you have a responsibility to do it. But I do think you need to know what connects you to the business and what makes you fall in love with the business all over again — and be sure you don’t rob yourself of that experience.

I’d love it if you’d take some time to identify your own zone. Once you know what it is — figure out how to get a taste of it once or twice a month. Plan for it. Calendar it if you can. Make sure you still get to do what you love.

Think of it like your favorite dessert. You probably shouldn’t eat it every day — but on those special occasions, there’s nothing better!

This was originally published in the weekly AMI newsletter.  To subscribe, click here.