Business development happens in inches

I have had several phone conversations recently with agency owners who have sales pipelines that have dried up. They’re frustrated and scared. I get it. We’ve all been there. But when I asked them about their business development activity, they all admitted that they’d taken their foot off the pedal. Sure — they all had [...]

3 Ways to Start Outsourcing Tasks Off Your Plate

Running a successful agency is no easy feat. Outsourcing tasks is often the best way to keep things under control. With a ton of work and clients to deal with, one can easily get overwhelmed without help and an effective system in place.  When you’re an agency business owner, time is always of the essence. [...]

Who is wearing the golden handcuffs?

For most agency owners, one of their biggest fears is losing that key employee who helps you run the show. Especially in today’s competitive job market, it’s a fair concern. Many long- term agency employees are being lured away by the stability of a corporate job or the thrill of a start-up. I did a [...]

How Can Agency Leaders Prepare for Another Recession

News outlets have been warning of a potential recession for a while now, and it’s no secret that marketing services are often the first items to go in the event of a recession. In 2009, the last year of the Great Recession, United States advertising spend fell by 12%, while it plummeted 9% globally. What’s [...]

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