The only way to keep your agency growing is to get comfortable with discomfort.

When you think back on those first few years of owning an agency, somehow the tough parts get muted. That period of discomfort — though some of it was genuinely painful — helped you transform a mere idea into a real, living thing that served real, living people. The uncomfortable period was such a fertile time. It involved constant invention and reinvention and required continuous problem-solving.

If you’re feeling stagnant as an agency owner, your clients are probably experiencing that, too. They’re on their own journeys to growth. Show clients how to be brave by stepping out of your comfort zone publicly. Invite clients to join you in your experiments.

In this article I contributed to, I provide ideas for how you can get the buzz of growth back into your agency (and in your clients) and start practicing discomfort. If you’ve been feeling stagnant lately, this may just be the opportunity for you to get back to basics, and navigate your next stage of growth by engaging in the uncomfortable.