Episode 73
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Judy Robinett has led both public and private companies as CEO and served in management positions at Fortune 500 companies. She is on the advisory boards of Illuminate VC, Pereg VC, and Springboard Enterprises. Judy previously served as a managing director of Golden Seeds Angel Network and as a member of the faculty of Goldman Sachs’ 10,000 Small Business Program. Judy’s book, “How to Be a Power Connector: the 5+50+150 Rule,” was named the #1 business book of 2014 by Inc. She has been profiled in Entrepreneur, Vogue, Fast Company, Forbes, CBS, Huffington Post, and Bloomberg Businessweek.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- Judy’s background
- Why networking is crucial for biz-dev (and why referrals alone is not a biz-dev strategy)
- The 5+50+150 Rule: why you need to target 50 people
- Why there is no lack of money keeping you from getting funded
- Positioning yourself to be invited to the right events (and which events you should target)
- Judy’s strategies for being a good networker and how she interacts with strangers
- How to deepen the relationships you already have
- Why you need to kick fear to the curb and just talk to people
- How to provide consistent value to your network so that you keep relationships fresh
- Why you should reach out to people you feel like are above you
- Judy’s Top Ten Power Connecting Tips
The Golden Nugget:
“They can break you, but they can’t eat you. Kick your fear to the curb.” – @judyrobinett Share on X
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Ways to Contact Judy Robinett:
- Website: www.judyrobinett.com
- Email: judy@judyrobinett.com
- Twitter: @judyrobinett
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/judyrobinett
- Book: “How to Be a Power Connector: The 5+50+100 Rule for Turning Your Business Network into Profits”
- eBook: “Crack the Funding Code”
- Judy’s Top Ten Power Connecting Tips
We’re proud to announce that Hubspot is now the presenting sponsor of the Build A Better Agency podcast! Many thanks to them for their support!
Speaker 1:
If you’re going to take the risk of running an agency, shouldn’t you get the benefits too? Welcome to Build a Better Agency, where we show you how to build an agency that can scale and grow with better clients, invested employees, and best of all, more money to the bottom line. Bringing his 25 plus years of expertise as both an agency owner and agency consultant to you, please welcome your host, Drew McLellan.
Drew McLellan:
Hey, everybody. Drew McLellan here with another episode of Build a Better Agency. I am glad you’re back, thanks for joining us today. We’re going to talk about a topic, we’re going to go at the new business topic, but we’re going to go at it in a different way. We’re going to go at it in terms of how do you build a network and how do you serve other people and how does that end up serving you. So let me tell you a little bit about our guests. So Judy Robinett is a business thought leader, powerful speaker, and one of the nation’s leading experts in helping leaders develop strategic business relationships. Known as the woman with the titanium digital Rolodex, for those of you under 30, that’s what LinkedIn used to be, and labeled by Forbes and the New York Times as the new breed of power connector, Judy has served as the CEO of both public and private companies and in executive roles at some of the top corporations in the world.
She has helped many entrepreneurs and businesses to access millions of dollars in funding, which I’m sure is tied back to the connections that she has. She has written a book called How to Be a Power Connector: The 5+50+100 Rule, which we are going to dig into. And that book will give all of us an opportunity to provide instant effective strategies for meeting the people you need to know and bonding with them fast to further your goals and theirs. And I suspect that’s an important part. She’s also been profiled in Fast Company, Forbes, Venture Beat, Huffington Post, and Bloomberg Business Week as a sterling example of the new breed of super connectors. And I suspect that’s something that we all want to aspire to. So Judy, welcome to the podcast.
Judy Robinett:
Thank you. I’m excited to be here Drew.
Drew McLellan:
Now, I suspect one does not get to be CEO of all of these companies and executives in top corporations right out of high schools. So tell us a little bit about the path that you took to get you to where you are today.
Judy Robinett:
Oh my gosh, I would have never dreamed I would end up in business. I started life as a social worker and was so heartsick over children that were abused that I went back and got a masters in labor economics and ended up working just for our state in an agency. Then one of my friends was working at a Fortune 300 company and said, “Send your resume over.” So that was a lucky break for me. Then at one point I was really sick of working for other people and decided I was going to take the leap and I did.
Drew McLellan:
So how does all of that… And what’s fascinating to me is that agency owners often have that same crooked path to business ownership that a lot of them actually have the same background you do, social services, psychology, and then find their way to owning a business. But how did networking become a topic that was so important to you? What about that really spoke to you?
Judy Robinett:
Well, initially it didn’t Drew, so I was bullied and teased in junior high, I was terribly shy. And I can remember in the corporate world, if I had an event I had to go to, I’d go late and leave early and I would hang out in the corners. But I noticed a really interesting thing at work, that people who I didn’t see as necessarily smarter or working harder were getting promoted. I started seeing that there was this underlying network of powerful influencers in the corporation. I picked up a book, How to win friends and influence people.
Oh my gosh, I can remember first talking to people and deciding maybe they did like me, I was okay. I perceived it to be, I was very shy, but I think the truth was it was a self worth issue. Then the more that I developed a little gravitas, the more I could see it was just a critical skill. It certainly is as an agency owner and those who are really good at finding clients, doing customer acquisition. You know in your heart and you know personally that warm introductions are more likely to turn into clients than anything else. So I could see that it was just a very important skill to have.
Drew McLellan:
Actually you’re absolutely right. So when to a lot of agency owners about their biz, they have a program or efforts. What I hear a lot is, “You know what, we don’t go out and find new clients, we get a lot of our business through referrals.” So the logic is obviously if you have more connections and those connections are a little deeper and a little tighter and they know a little better about how work and what you do, in theory, those referrals would get even better and stronger and more plentiful, right?
Judy Robinett:
Yeah. But you do have to have both sides of the coin, Drew. You can’t just not do biz dev because… And I see this pattern. So often the people who are not necessarily good networkers or they feel they’re not good networkers often don’t have any biz dev. Then they struggle paying the bills, and so it’s absolutely critical. So I teach people how important it is to talk to strangers. I’ve met billionaires hiking on a trail out of Park City, Utah. And just important to just have that twofold, be focused on getting the warm relationships which come from relationships you’ve already developed who at one time were probably strangers and making sure that you have that funnel.
Drew McLellan:
Oh, Judy, I love hearing you say that because I harp on that all the time, that referrals alone are not a new business strategy. So I swear to God listeners, and I did not ask her to say that was completely unprompted, but amen to that, I agree. So talk to us a little bit about this idea… Well, first I’m intrigued by the title of the book. So help us understand the 5+50+150 rule, what’s that based on?
Judy Robinett:
Well, it’s based on some research that I discovered, and that is that groups fall apart at 150. So these people who are trying to do massive LinkedIn or Facebook and send Christmas cards to 40,000 people, it doesn’t really work with your own personal, professional network. Then research shows that that first circle around you of five people tends to be your close friends and family. And they already know everybody you know. So they’re not going to be really good at building your business either, it’s that in between group. I tell people to target for 50 people because that’s where the magic starts happening for your business.
By the way, the reason the book is titled Power Connecting is I was going to write a different book on how to get funded. I raised millions of dollars for companies. In the proposal I had for 50 people I was going to interview for the book, Mark Burnett, various people that I knew. My agent called me and she said, “Geez, I thought you only lived in Utah and Idaho. How do you know these billionaires and celebrities?” And I told her and she goes, “Oh, we’re going to do a book on networking.” I said, “Oh, not me. I think that’s icky and manipulative and I don’t really believe in it.” She said, “We’ll come up with a better word.” So that was the word they chose to use.
Drew McLellan:
Was your role in a lot of the companies you worked for, was your role a fund development role?
Judy Robinett:
No, not at all. I started, I made the leap. I’d said about social work and so into employee relations was my first. But slowly I worked my way up and became vice president of a hospital then I was CEO of a small public biotech company, and then a couple of other smaller companies.
Drew McLellan:
Because I think the only thing that would scare an agency owner or more than biz dev would be if they had to go ask people for money for fundraising. So the reason I am asking the question is because if you can use your techniques to do that, which I think for a lot of people is the most daunting of tasks, then certainly telling people about the work you do and how you can help them should be less frightening.
Judy Robinett:
Yes, and that’s true. Drew, you absolutely hit it on the nail. Most of the things that we fail to do, like get funding to get our company to the next level, are founded on faulty assumptions. So I really have people rethink their assumptions and big ones are, there’s no money or no one will help me. There’s $369 trillion of private global wealth in the world, there’s no lack of money. I generally find out people are in the wrong room and they’ve not figured out how the funding ecosystem works or figured out how to package themselves and get themselves positioned. You can create luck and people will say to me, “No, you can’t.” And I’ll say, “Really? Go stand on the train tracks, tell me if you got bad luck.” You very much can position yourself.
So it’s important to get in the right room and really understand the ecosystem. And there’s no lack of money, there’s no lack of information, there’s no lack of anything out there. All the resources are there. So after you get that in your head, then you start. It’s good to get yourself educated and understand family offices fund people, corporate VCs, many agencies that have gone from small to middle, that next step up, usually include some kind of a JV with a bigger partner. Some of the big players in the VC world are certainly in media.
Drew McLellan:
So when you use the word networking, let’s define that for folks. They’re sure about what we’re talking about. Then I want to dig into the recipe of how it gets done. So when you say networking and you’re talking about connecting, what do you mean by that?
Judy Robinett:
So a lot of people waste time at chamber meetings and various networking groups, and most of those don’t have the clients that you would like or the people that could help fund you. I always say to people, “Make sure that there’s people in the room that are smarter than you or have the resources you need.” So the way that I start with networking is very strategic. And as Covey would say, we begin with the end in mind. What is it that you need? And it can be growing your business to the next level, it could be funding, it could be finding customers. And that will determine how to get in the right room. For instance, with funding, everybody’s got a problem, but for every problem there’s an answer. So investors are frantically trying to find good businesses to invest in and they typically hang out together. So I start with, what is your goal? What is your goal? Then think about where do those people hang out that will help you get in the right room?
Drew McLellan:
So as we’re thinking about those goals, so if an agency owner the goal is to increase the client roster of their agency and let’s say they’ve got a targeted list of 25 or 30 companies that they believe they’d be a great fit for and really be able to help with, what are the steps they take? So they’re looking at this list of companies, they don’t know anybody at any of those companies, let’s just say, which is probably not likely, but let’s assume they don’t know them. What are the steps they should take to begin to develop that network?
Judy Robinett:
So one of the things that I suggest, Drew, is that people position themselves so they’re invited to these highly private curated events. Davos is probably the best known, there’s many others. But there’s professional organizations that many people haven’t heard of because they go to events in their own industry. One that I often tell people to go to is the Association of Corporate Growth, ACG, and they have chapters in most cities. Even Salt Lake has one, they’re all over the world actually. This is CXO level executives in mid-tier companies. So most of the companies that you’re specifically targeting, you’ll find that they go to these kind of an organization. They welcome new folks, you can attend a meeting and go to a lunch and they make it a point for new members to get to stand up and talk a little bit about their company and who they are, and they have networking after the meeting. Those can profoundly affect your business because it would be hard to find a group of 50 to 100 CXO level business owners that are across different industries at one meeting. So that’s an example.
Another thing, and I’ll give you an idea, a friend of mine was recruited by a wealth management firm in Salt Lake to come develop a big book of business. He’s black and he is gay and he doesn’t know anybody in Salt Lake. And within two years, he has a tremendous book of business, he’s outdone everybody locally. I said to him, “How did you do that?” And he said, “I joined The Symphony.” And I said, “What?” And he said, “Well, I paid a little extra so I could go ahead of time and network, break bread, drink a little wine with the people before the event started. That’s where my customers hang out.” So I tell people to get creative and think about organizations that maybe they haven’t thought of. And organizations are powerful just because it’s not one on one. There you’ve got a group of likely prospects and specific that would fit your target. It’s a big enough company, they can pay your bills. If they’re at these meetings, then they tend to be much more optimistic and open about having new relationships.
Drew McLellan:
So as agency owners, most of the listeners are agency leaders, most of them probably have a decent Rolodex or a decent LinkedIn profile, in terms of connections they’ve made. I want to get back to the comment you made about it being a two-way street. So let’s talk a little bit about network behavior and what that looks like. When you are a connector, my assumption is that where we’re headed is that all the connections you make can’t be for your own gain and that you also have to be helpful to other people. Can you talk us through pragmatically what that looks like?
Judy Robinett:
So you don’t want to be perceived as a taker. Adam Grant wrote a really good book on that, Givers and Takers. On the other hand, you don’t want to give, give, give until you’re drained. But yes. So everybody’s got a problem and everybody’s got a solution. Ideally, you want to find people who really need your services and then you want to show them that you have the level of competence and the level of warmth that they would want to work with you. So it’s absolutely critical to build the relationship. I tell people that it is just like with fundraising, nobody will write a check the size that would buy a house unless they know you, like you, and trust you.
Research shows when you meet a stranger, the first thing you look at is warmth, are these people safe? The second, do they have a level of confidence? But I always add the third and that’s a level of generosity. Because just because someone can help you doesn’t necessarily mean they will. So the law of reciprocity teaches, and it’s absolutely true, that if you help others they help you. The big mistake that I see people with their network is they don’t know who the people that they know know.
So research shows your influence is limited to a friend of a friend of a friend. But most people don’t really tell their story with the people who are already in the network or discuss their goals. An example of this is my agent said to me one day, “You need to meet Mike Muni.” He’s sold Act Software for $45 million, he’s got a new software platform. Mike flew to Salt Lake and I said, “Geez, you’ve got this top rated app and I’ve never heard of it and I’m a pretty voracious reader.” He looked really sad and. Of course, he didn’t have one of your great agencies, Drew.
Drew McLellan:
That’s right, he needed a little PR.
Judy Robinett:
He said, “If I could just get in Success Magazine.” I said, “I want you to call my agent who I’ve known less than six months, who you’ve known for years. One of her good friends is Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine.” He almost fell off the chair. I find this, over and over and over, the people in your network, professionally or personally, you’ve not sat down, shared a bit about your story. Then a very good thing for you to do is to ask, and it’s my three golden questions. I often say to people, “How can I help you?”
But after you’ve provided help, and that can be an introduction, it can be an article you found, a recommendation of a book, a client who’s not a good fit for you, you can send to somebody else. Then I have tell them your story or what your goal is and then say, number one, what other ideas do you have for me? And people love to share advice and they will. Number two, who else do you know I should talk to? This is the way that I literally networked myself to Mark Burnett, it’s how I know Gina Davis, got on events with Mark Cuban, all of this kind of stuff. I was a nobody from a little town in Idaho. If you saw the movie, Napoleon Dynamite, I went to that high school.
Drew McLellan:
Judy Robinett:
So if I can do it, you can do it. I finally sat down one day and I thought, “What is it I’m doing?” And when I meet a stranger, two things, I either will comment on their clothes, something appropriate. You think about how tickled you are if somebody says, boy, what a great pair of shoes, Drew, you’ve got, where did you get those? So I pay attention to people’s clothes. Also the second thing you can do with the stranger is ask a question, where do I go here? Or what do you recommend? And it’s amazing, you just open, it’s like pulling the cork out of the wine bottle. Usually after you’ve got through that first uncomfortable first comment, then you’re home free.
Drew McLellan:
So I think we got two of the three golden questions, so do you have any other ideas for me? And who else should I talk to? Those are the first two.
Judy Robinett:
The first one is, how can I help you? And for instance in my emails I’ll say, happy to help. I want people to know that I will help them. And not only will I help them, I can help them. So I’ll say to people, “Drew, where you going next?” Or, “Do you need any help with your cat?” I know vets, I know people all over the world. So I make it a point of trying to find out. And I love to do this, I just love to make a difference in people’s lives. I’ve got a critical mass of people that people can ask me about anything and I’ve got a connection. That’s what happens when you get 25 to 50 people that you know that you can reach out to.
And by the way, in your networking efforts, a big thing that you can do is write down who those 25 to 50 people are right now and reach out to them and engage and say, “This is where I’m going with my agency, what other ideas do you have for me? Who else do you know I should talk to?” You’ll be stunned. A matter of fact, people write to me and tell me your stories. It’s amazing what happens when you do that.
Well, the second one, when you say, who else do you know I should talk to, you make sure that you go meet those people and then you ask them the same thing. Pretty soon you’ll have a much stronger network and make sure that your network has people who have money, have gravitas, influence, they’re powerful enough that they can make things happen for you, and they’re across different sectors. Whether you already know everybody in media probably, but if I looked at your 25 to 50 people, how many of them could you call on the phone and they could write you a check or they could connect you to someone that could write you a check? Or across different industries that are important to you.
Drew McLellan:
Yeah, great advice. So I want to dig into how to nurture and grow your existing network. But first, let’s take a quick break and then we’ll come back in and dive into that. I hope you’re finding this content really helpful. I just want to take a quick pause and remind you that on top of the podcast, we also do a lot of live workshops for agency owners, agency leaders, and account service staff. If you’re interested in the schedule, check it out at agencymanagementinstitute.com/live. Let’s get back to the show. Okay, we are back with Judy Robinett. We are talking about being a power connector and what that looks like. So again, Judy, I’m guessing most people have what they believe to be a decent network or they know a fair amount of folks. So if this isn’t about finding strangers that they don’t know, but it instead it’s really about how do they nurture the relationships they have.
So let’s say I’ve known somebody for a few years sort of tangentially. We bump into each other at industry events or we know enough to know, and we probably know each other’s name. How do I deepen that connection? So it’s not me introducing myself to a stranger, but it’s somebody who’s maybe in my Rolodex or my LinkedIn connections, but I don’t really know them very well, and I certainly wouldn’t be able to pick up the phone and call them and assume that they would call me back. So how do I deepen the relationships that I already have some sort of connection to?
Judy Robinett:
I would write an email and reach out to them and see if you can schedule a phone call or schedule a lunch. You can look for a small gift. I’ve had people send me. I often will say, when I’m afraid, I go to my cave with dark chocolate when I’m talking about how to overcome your fears. And many people have just sent me a little thing of dark chocolate. And it is powerful if you send a little thoughtful gift, it’s something that you maybe know that they like. But first, I would start with sending an email or picking up the phone and calling them and just saying, I’d like to catch up.
Drew McLellan:
That’s a crazy idea, picking up the phone.
Judy Robinett:
Pick up the phone and call because most of us are actually pleased to talk to people that we know. So if you get out of your head… And again, fear really held me back, Drew. And I’m 63 and if I looked back on my life, if I could have just kicked fear to the curb earlier and realized what it was doing holding me back, it was me that held me back and held my early business back. I at one point had started my first company, a franchise restaurant, stupid me. I went to a bankruptcy attorney just so scared and I wasn’t sleeping nights, and I was terrified about meeting payroll. He looks at my financials and he said, “Well, you’re not even close.” I said, “But I’m broke.” And he said, “They can break you but they can to eat you.” That was just a great lesson for me. I went, “Okay, let’s figure this out.”
I reached out, got some help, found out almost every business had gone through of this at one point. And if you dig down, get some help, you’ll get through it. If you don’t, you shut the doors and you think you’re a failure and the reality is you’re not [crosstalk 00:25:57]. So hopefully that helps. So the fear is important to get over. And if you are kind and you’re generous, I would just find an article, recommend a book, do something that adds value and start thinking about how you can add value to people. Think about who is this person? What would be of interest to them? But be brave, pick up the phone, make the phone call.
Drew McLellan:
So let’s say you pick up the phone and they actually answer their phone or you set up a lunch or a coffee or a drink or whatever that looks like, what does that conversation look like when you actually get to have it?
Judy Robinett:
Well, it needs to be focused personally. Relationships are built first personally before business. So catch up on the kids, catch up on the pets, we all love our pets. Drew, you talked about your cat, I talked about mine and my horse. We adore our family members. So Michael Milken once said that the three things that people care most about are their family, their finances, and their health. So you make sure that it’s a personal relationship you’re catching up, you’re finding out how they’re doing, how the kids are, how’s business, keep it personal, even your interest, golfing, hiking, whatever.
Drew McLellan:
So what I’m hearing you say is I suspect a lot of agencies when they finally get up the gumption to reach out to somebody or to connect with somebody. They probably go right at the professional stuff first because that’s their intention. They want to create a professional connection with this person. But what you’re saying is you have to go slower and softer than that and you have to first get… So whether it’s a stranger or someone you are already know, connecting on a person level about things that you have perhaps in common or things that are important to them, that’s the first step that then eventually leads into a more professional connection, right?
Judy Robinett:
Absolutely. You have to date first before you hop in bed.
Drew McLellan:
That’s why I use that same analogy. I say a lot of times people walk up to… Agencies approach new business, they walk up to someone in a bar and say, “Hey, it’s nice to meet you, my name is Drew, do you want to get married?” As opposed to easing into that a little bit.
Judy Robinett:
The reality is you want to make sure there’s chemistry, that you like this person. You don’t want somebody you’re going to of hate working with and later wish you would have found out a little bit about them and what their level of emotional IQ is.
Drew McLellan:
So tell me how you assess that or how you… My guess is you’ve been doing this long enough now that you’re a pretty good read on people, that you get a sense of folks right away. Is that a learned skill? And if so, how does one learn it?
Judy Robinett:
I think you learn it by just starting to pay attention. When I was younger, I can remember I’d have employees and I would think I didn’t communicate enough or they need more training and I wait another six months and end up firing them because as what I first initially saw was the truth. Oprah once said that Maya Angelou had taught her when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. So everything a person does says who they are. And the common one most people know is if they treat a waiter, waitress are disrespectful, they’ll eventually do it to you. Before you really want to have someone as a client, I would suggests that you do a little due diligence and ask, find out how they work.
What happens when conflict occurs? Because you want to avoid the dark triad, and that is the narcicisstic, sociopath, machiavellian people. There’s a few people out there they’re just prone to suing people every time they turnaround. But the good news is that’s only less than 5% of the population, but I pay attention. I got hit over the head once, not literally, but I raised $10 million for a guy in 10 days that was frantic about getting it and I trusted him. He was going to give me a consult fee and then he said, “We’d never had that discussion.” I was shocked, I was absolutely shocked. Well, I found out from two of my other friends that they knew that this was his history.
While I came across as very professional and dressed well and was charming and appeared to have a great deal of money, that underbelly, that dark side of him was dangerous. If I would have just asked a couple of people, I would have learned that. But I think most of us are pretty good because we’ve met a couple of these people in our life. So you, I say, for the yellow flags instead of the red ones. Another thing that Oprah said was, “Learn to fill the feather on the cheek. If you don’t get that, you get the brick to the head. And if you don’t get the brick to the head, the wall falls in on you. So you start really paying attention.
Drew McLellan:
I think sometimes, I know for me personally, sometimes it’s like, oh man, I saw that coming and I ignored it or I didn’t believe myself and now I’m lying under a pile of bricks. The universe has a way of letting sooner or later, so it’s better to be more attuned to it so you avoid the disasters.
Judy Robinett:
Drew McLellan:
So you’ve been doing this for a while, you obviously have become quite proficient at it, how do you maintain relationships? So let’s say somebody came across your path a few years ago and you’ve had some interactions with them to the point that you could shoot them an email or pick up the phone, but you haven’t talked to them for a while, how do you maintain that? Because it seems to me that relationships require some care and maintenance. You can’t just every time… It can’t be a once every five years time. So how do you do that?
Judy Robinett:
I collect information that I think is valuable. So for instance, I have about three different organizations. McKinsey sends me great reports, I have quartz.com that’s a global news deal that has curated information that often at the bottom will have five to 10 of the best articles out there. I will send that to people. Often I’ll send the same one to about 15 people. I just make sure that at least once every month or so, that I’m keeping my eyes open that I might be able to provide something that would be valuable to that person. I don’t keep an exhaustive database, I don’t send out Christmas cards and do all of that stuff, I just really try to find value. So last week, one of my friends called me and said, “I’m sick and I’ve got two tickets to one of the premier Sundance films on Syria. Do you want to attend?” Well, I couldn’t attend but I could think of three people right off the bat who would want to. So when those situations come up, I do that.
Now I sit on the board of Illuminate VC in Silicon Valley. And Sidney, who is the founder, we now have a unicorn in the portfolio, will often through the years say, “Hey somebody who’s of our advisors has two tickets from the US open tennis that they can’t attend, first person that calls me gets them. So just think about little things that you can do, and it’s amazing those things come up. Look at places like Renaissance Weekend, for instance, the Aspen Institute, McKinsey. So I will often send people invites. If I’m invited to something, I can get people into Renaissance Weekend or into different things, I’ll invite somebody.
Drew McLellan:
And about how many people? Because before you talked about the magic 50s, is that the list that you’re nurturing or is that I’m sending articles to other people and things like that? Is that a bigger list?
Judy Robinett:
It’s probably 25, honestly. It’s probably 25 because when you’ve got friends that run MGM and are the secretary or the treasurer, my friend Linda McMann just got put in as head of the SBA by Trump. If you’ve got those kind of people, then their network is so powerful. That’s the importance of having a strong network anyway. But if I just meet someone, I do have a good memory. And someone will call me or send something and I’ll make sure, if something pops up, I’ll just send it to them and just say, “Hey, I thought of this since we talked, you may want to look at it.” And your network changes, some people get married, get divorced, change, retire, whatever, so it’s almost constantly in flow.
Some people are leaving and there’s a new person that’s popped up that you want to take a little bit of time to nurture. But this isn’t something that I spend an hour a day doing, it’s just a little bit of my routine. I open up McKinsey, quartz.com, a few highly curated things that have really good information so I’m not wasting people’s time. Then if I see something that I think is really good, I will forward it. When I give keynote speeches or I talk to people that are in the funding realm, I will talk about Illuminate VC that I’m on. Or if I’m doing interviews, that is something that really makes Cindy happy because one of her goals is to get the word out on her VC. So if you find out what other people’s problems are, what is it they’re attempting to do, then you can provide value.
Drew McLellan:
Well, my guess is that for most listeners, their network may or may not ever contain somebody who is a presidential appointee. But for everyone, the message is… So let’s say an agency is deep in the Ag sector, so really what they want to do is they want to be connected to the thought leaders in that industry. So now let’s assume that they want to get a hold of somebody or they want to connect with somebody who has some amount of fame or gravitas, it seems out of reach. So it might be an author, it might be a thought leader, any recommendations on how they reach… What’s a cold reach out to those folks to make a connection that actually has some meaning that’s beyond a, “Hey, I like your book” or something like that?
Judy Robinett:
Well, let me tell you, authors and most people of influence are happy if someone reaches out to them because very few people do. My book was published in Spanish and I’ve just had probably 10 people write to me from Columbia, Mexico, Spain. And I write back to every single one of them. Every once in a while, one of those people will send me an invite on LinkedIn and say, “I’d love to talk to you.” Well, I do that. I find it very gratifying if somebody reaches out to me and other authors do that, and I discovered this before I ever did a book. I read a chapter in a book that was a compilation on trust. The chapter I was just so amazed was written by Laura Rittenhouse, who I discovered had a book out called Reading Between the Lines. I reached out to her and ended up becoming very good friends. Every time I go to New York, Laura and I go to dinner. Warren buffet endorsed her book.
So it actually is easier than you think. If you write a kind letter to someone on LinkedIn and said, I admire your work or what you’re doing, I’d love the opportunity to talk to you for a few moments, I’ve never had anybody turn me down. Even people that you think are at a higher level than you, when you get to know them, they’ve all got their problems. So Mark Burnett and his wife, I didn’t know them. I had been on a panel with Mark Cuban and thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if Mark endorsed my book.” And Mark didn’t have time. So I just thought to myself, “Well, fine, I’ll go to your boss.” Well, I didn’t know him and so I just thought, “Well, for fun, I’m just going to see if I can do this.” I sent an email out to some of those 25 people. And sure enough, somebody knew someone who had been to this meeting with Mark Burnett. I reached out and said, “What does Mark need?”
Well, he and his wife had spent $15 million, $16 million of their own money on the Son of God movie. And they were concerned about media and what it would cost to get that going, the marketing because they didn’t have that kind of money for it. I did a little research online and I find out the Baptists and the Lutherans are behind it. Well, I live in Salt Lake, Park City area and there’s 16 million really well organized Mormons who also believe in the story of Christ. So I happen to know somebody who works in media for the church and I call and say, “Hey, would you guys be interested in interviewing Roma Downey or Mark?” And they’re just ecstatic and they say, “We can get you to ABC, we can do this, we can do that.” So I have my friend get a hold of Mark Burnett’s handler and the next thing I know is I have a phone call from this gentleman saying I’m scheduled for a lunch in Park City with Mark Burnett.
I start that meeting, “Very pleased to meet you. I love the movie.” I’d done some research, I’d watched a bit of the series, it was on PBS. I said, “Mark, if I were you, I would do this and this and this.” About 10 minutes into it, he said, “Who are you?” I gave him the contacts and I made those things happen. But even then at lunch, he said, “Is there anything I could do to help you?” And I said, “Well, I’ve got this new book coming out, would you take a look at it?” And he said, “Done. And by the way, one of my good friends is Oprah, I can get a copy of the book to Oprah.” Now, there was me in the background, didn’t know this guy, reached out to someone. And part of it is being scrappy.
So always in life and in business, there’s something missing. You’ve got A and B, you don’t have C or D, but you’re trying frantically to get to E. It can be money, it can be connections, it can be anything. Well, there’s always a way and there’s never a time that there aren’t obstacles. Scrappy is going around it, over it, under it, or through it, there’s a way to do it. But guess what, every one of those answers is connected to a human being. People write the checks, people know potential clients for you, it’s all people. People have the best ideas, they have the information, they’ve got the connection. So it really does come back to that critical, strategic network that you have and that you can develop. If someone’s really feels like they can’t move forward, Drew, send them to me, I can make a connection tor them.
Drew McLellan:
As you’re telling this story, I’m thinking, “That shy little girl from high school sure has changed.”
Judy Robinett:
And it took me a while. Part of it is I really do care about people and I’m curious and I like to learn. So the learning and having good information to share with other people, I found out a lot of people don’t read like I do. Then after I finally, finally got over my fear of failure and fear of strangers and just fear and quit going to the dark cave with my dark chocolate, I found out other people are happy to help, they’re happy to help. All of us have got problems. And if we can help someone, it makes us feel better and it makes them feel better. And we’re really wired for that, we really are, we’re social creatures. People love to help and give advice. So it’s part learning the art of the ask. You don’t walk up and go, “Hey, don’t you want to put $1,5 million into my business? You start with the easy ask. And the easy ask is, “What other ideas do you have for me?” People love to share advice. And who else do you know I should talk to? Those are easy asks.
Drew McLellan:
As I’m listening you to describe yourself, I’m a caring person, I’m naturally curious, I like to help people, my experience is that’s how most agency folks are wired. So whether they take it to the Heights that you have in terms of the level of people you’ve connected with or they do it locally or inside their industry, this is well within everyone’s wheelhouse, they just get out of their own way and open themselves up to this a little bit.
Judy Robinett:
I don’t know whether of Cheryl Snapp Conner, PR agency out of Salt Lake. But Cheryl has done a terrific job, she found out the number one source now for news is LinkedIn. She writes a short column on LinkedIn, she’s had 4 million to 7 million hits and has really grown her agency. Another thing I would tell you to do is to look at people who may be one level above you and say, “Dude, how did you do that?” The world’s big enough, there’s more than enough clients, there’s… I tell people, if someone says, no, you just say next, next.
Drew McLellan:
Well, I find most genuinely successful people are pretty open to telling you exactly what they did because they have an abundance mentality rather than a scarcity mentality.
Judy Robinett:
Exactly. The world’s so big, there’s so many clients, new people showing up all the time, there’s enough for everybody. And if that person doesn’t help you, you do not want them in your network.
Drew McLellan:
It’s a good point, it’s a good litmus test, isn’t it?
Judy Robinett:
Drew McLellan:
So Judy, boy, I could keep talking to you about this forever, but I need to wrap up the episode. So if people have been listening to us and they’re like, I can do this, I can do this. I don’t have to be the shy kid or I don’t have to be the one who’s too busy or I don’t have to be whatever they’ve put in front of themselves to say they can’t do this, what are some very practical, tangible next steps for someone who wants to strengthen their existing network and or wants to connect with somebody who feels unreachable to them?
Judy Robinett:
So I’m going to share with you just a simple one pager of top tips that you can put in the show notes for people.
Drew McLellan:
That’d be awesome.
Judy Robinett:
Number one would be, get brave and invite somebody, pick up the phone, call somebody, do that, meet with somebody. Number two, make it a point to talk to a couple of strangers this week. Number three, make a couple of introductions to people that you know that don’t know each other.
Drew McLellan:
Those are all very doable, aren’t they?
Judy Robinett:
And then I want you to sit down and write down who are the top 10 people in your network. And look at, do they have money, influence? Are they in government? Can they help me with regulatory issues? And look at who’s currently in your network and what gaps you need to fill, what gaps you need to fill. That’s a great start. And if you just focus on meeting with a couple of people and asking, what other ideas do you have? Who else do you know I should talk to? The doors open for you I promise.
Drew McLellan:
Great advice. Judy, thank you so much for your time. Thanks for sharing all of your hard earned wisdom. I know that this is going to be an episode that people listen to over and over again. So thank you very much.
Judy Robinett:
You’re welcome. And people can reach out to me. Really, Drew, my email is judy@judyrobinett.com, no E. I’m on LinkedIn, I’m heavily involved with Twitter. And if I can help, happy to help.
Drew McLellan:
I was just going to ask you how folks can find you. So if they want to… I know you’ve also got another book in the works. So if they want to find out more about your work and to connect with you, is there a website you would drive them to? What’s the best place for them to go?
Judy Robinett:
My website is just judyrobinett.com. You can certainly Google, I think about 15 pages comes up of interviews I’ve done and speeches and so such. But you can find me on LinkedIn or @JudyRobinett is Twitter.
Drew McLellan:
Okay, awesome. Thank you so much again for this. This was really helpful. And as soon as we get off this interview, I have some networking to do.
Judy Robinett:
Okay, thank you.
Drew McLellan:
All right, gang. This wraps up another episode of Build a Better Agency. This is so import, what Judy talked about for this last 45 minutes or so can absolutely change the trajectory of your agency. So as you’re thinking about biz dev and you’re thinking about deepening your own network… And also, by the way, if you don’t normally share episodes with your team, this is an episode to share with your team. Because you don’t want to be the only one building a network inside your agency, you want your entire team to be skilled and good at this.
What I love about Judy’s methodology is it starts by being helpful, it starts by being curious, it starts by caring about people. I know that that’s how you guys are wired. So this will be easy you if you get out of your own way, if you push aside your fear, and you take the risk. So go do all of this. And in the meantime, I will be back next week with another episode, with another great guest. If you haven’t subscribed, make sure you do so you don’t miss an episode. And as always, I am grateful for ratings and reviews. If there’s anything I can do you to be helpful, you know you can reach me at drew@agencymanagementinstitute. And if I don’t hear from you from there, I will talk to you next week with another great guest. Thanks so much.
Speaker 1:
That’s all for this episode of Build a Better Agency. Be sure to visit agencymanagementinstitute.com to learn more about our workshops and other ways we serve small to mid-sized agencies. While you’re there, sign up for our e-newsletter, grab our free e-book, and check out the blog. Growing a bigger, better agency that makes more money, attracts bigger clients, and doesn’t consume your life is possible here on Build a Better Agency.