We usually cover the big items, but we don’t take the time to think about the tiny details that will surprise and delight our clients or our team. So, as you prepare to make a new business pitch, welcome a new employee to the team, or plan your agency get-together or retreat, I want you to think about the big things.

But I also want you to give a lot of time and attention to the tiny details you could add, probably at minimal cost or extra effort. It’s just – it’s not that we don’t want to do them, it’s that we don’t think about them. I want you to stop and ask yourself, where are some little things I could do to surprise and delight — could be a meeting. It could be an event like an agency retreat. Again, it could be onboarding a new client, they’re coming into your office for the first time, or you’re going to their office for the first time. It could be a conference. But take time to think about the tiny little details and what you could do to make that moment memorable and special, and something that people will take pictures of, brag about, or talk about those brag-worthy moments that we can create with a little extra effort.

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Hey, everybody. Drew McLellan here from Agency Management Institute.
This week coming to you from Nashville, Tennessee. We’re actually in the Union Station Hotel, which is the old original train station from back in the turn of the century, when train travel was the primary way that people got around. What's amazing about this hotel – if you ever come to Nashville, even if you don't stay here, you got to come check it out. They have preserved so much of what the train station was. Beautiful stained glass windows, high vaulted ceilings. But what's really remarkable, and what I want to talk to you about today is not the big details of how they have protected and preserved to give you a feel of ‘you're still in this train station’ but it's all the little details. So everything from the towel rack being in the shape of a train, to all of the snacks in the snack room, to the games that you can play in the lobby, are all representative of that time period. And, you know, I think that we too often think about the big things when we're taking care of clients or employees. We cover the big items like the stained glass and the arch ceilings. But what we don't take the time to do is really think about the tiny little details that will kind of surprise and delight our clients or our team. And so as you are getting ready to do a new business pitch, or you are getting ready to welcome a new employee to the team, or you are about to plan your agency get-together or retreat I want you to think about the big things. But I also want you to give a lot of time and attention to the tiny little details that you could add, probably at very little cost or very little extra effort. It's just – it's not that we don't want to do them is that we don't think about them. And I want you to stop and ask yourself, where are some places, little things I could do to surprise and delight and then fill in the blank of whoever you're creating this moment for. It could be a meeting. It could be an event like an an agency retreat. Again, it could be onboarding a new client, they’re come into your office for the first time, or you're going to their office for the first time. It could be a conference. But take time to think about the tiny little details and what you could do to make that moment memorable and special, and something that people are going to take pictures of or brag about, or talk about those brag-worthy moments that we can create with a little extra effort. I think it's worth it.
All right? I'll talk to you next week.

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