In the 2023 Agency Edge research project, we asked CMOs and VP of marketing “Would you like to spend more time with the agency owner or the leadership level folks?” And what they said was it was a 1-2 punch. They not only wanted to spend more time with you, but they wanted to do it when they could be away from their daily work, trade shows, conferences, things like that, places where they’ve already sort of carved out their calendar to focus on bigger picture planning, strategy kinds of things are not in their office, are not running from meeting to meeting.

They’re not distracted. And number two is also one of the places where they were most likely to be excited about new ideas and new budget. So if you serve clients who are in an industry where there are great trade shows, conferences, continuing ed credit events, things like that, that’s a great place for you to invest your time and energy is to be there with your clients.

Drew McLellan, CEO of Agency Management Institute, offers a weekly agency management tip to agency owners.

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Hey, everybody.
Drew McLellan here from Agency Management Institute this week coming to you
from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Every year for the last decade, we have done
a piece of research that we have collectively called the Agency Edge.
Every year we identify a focus area and an audience,
and we go after them to find out what agencies need to know.
So in 2023, the landscape around new business was pretty clear.
We could tell that for agencies
it was going to be a challenging year to get new clients.
And so our focus was asking
clients who already had agency relationships, how,
when and why they would give their agency more budget or more money.
It was fascinating study, lots of great takeaways.
But one of the ones that really sticks with me is the idea that we said to them,
“When would you like to spend more time with the agency owner or the leadership
level folks?” And what they said was it was a 1-2 punch.
They wanted to spend more time with you away from their daily work,
trade shows, conferences, things like that, places
where they've already sort of carved out their calendar
to focus on bigger picture planning, strategy
kinds of things are not in their office, are not running from meeting to meeting.
They're not distracted.
And number two is also one of the places where they were most likely
to be excited about new ideas and new budget.
So if you serve clients
who are in – in an industry where there are great trade shows,
conferences, continuing ed credit events, things like that, that's a great place
for you to invest your time and energy is to be there with your clients.
Cultivating a relationship, talking about new ideas, taking in what
the speakers are talking about and teaching, and then strategizing
with your client about how they can apply those things to their business
and get yourself some incremental income.
All right? That's what I got for you this week.
I'll see you next week.

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