I know some of your are still hustling to make 2021 as profitable as possible, but it’s time for you to begin thinking about 2022 and your plan of attack once the holidays are past.  

As I always do this time of year, I’d like to suggest that you complete the AMI One Page Business Plan.  It’s a straightforward document that forces you to really narrow your focus and just identify the biggest barriers (or opportunities) to an incredible year ahead.  Most of you won’t take up the challenge but for those of you who will — you can have a shared clarity and get everyone on your team ready to pull in the same direction. Agencies that use the one page business plan as their roadmap for the year report better numbers, stronger teams and resilient client relationships.  

But before you do that, I want you to complete the Agency Owner Life Plan.  This one looks simple, but honestly, it’s not.  It asks some tough questions but it supports my strong belief that the agency should serve your life’s goals and purpose.  Otherwise, why take the risk?  Yes, I want your agency to be more profitable in 2022.  Yes, I want you to be innovative and score some amazing new clients.  But more than that — I want you to feel like your work is supporting your life and life goals.  I want you to feel like you are contributing.  I want you to be happy and fulfilled.

These tools will help you take a big step in that direction.  I hope you’ll make the time.

Grab both plans and the link to the podcast that will walk you through them both here.


This was originally published in the weekly AMI newsletter.  To subscribe, click here.