Where do you lay your head?
Every spring, I put together a list of trends that I think agency owners need to be tracking. I present this content at the spring meetings of the AMI owner peer groups and then later in the summer/fall, I share [...]
Find your people
I am wrapping up two weeks of workshops and I am so gratified that AMI gets to offer these educational experiences. Yes, I love that we help agency owners and leaders get smarter and succeed faster but what I love [...]
Sometimes you have to check out
As agency owners and leaders — we live in a pressure cooker. There’s always an endless list of To Dos. Deadlines constantly loom. Someone is always in our doorway, needing five minutes that quickly turns to twenty. Clients call with [...]
If you could read your employee’s thought bubbles
Do you remember the movie “What Women Want” with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt. You do watch any movie that takes place inside an advertising agency, don’t you? Anyway —the premise of the movie is that Mel Gibson is an [...]
Agency Partnership Agreements: Addressing the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
If you're going into business with someone, the best thing you can do for yourself, your agency and your partner is to establish an agency partnership agreement. This document details each person's respective role, expectations for the partnership, how finances [...]
3 Things You Need to Include in Your Partnership Agreement
Partnership agreements document important terms so you know how to resolve disputes as they arise or, in a worst-case scenario, dissolve the partnership. When forming the agreement, make sure to include these three sections: roles and responsibilities, partnership authority, and [...]
What’s your turnover rate these days?
This is a tough time to be an agency on a growth path. Ironically, not because the clients aren’t out there and ready to spend money. Agencies are reporting better biz dev opportunities than I’ve seen in awhile. But [...]
Can’t Find Time for Creativity? Here’s What to Do.
How long someone works doesn't determine performance or success. Rather, focusing on this metric will cause the quality of work to decrease. Marketing professionals need to take time to think, create, and ideate, and their work will be better for [...]
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying an Ad Agency
There's no better time to buy an agency. Are you ready? In this piece I recently contributed to Entrepreneur.com I discuss the five biggest mistakes you could make and how to avoid them when buying an ad agency.
Avoid These Four Mistakes When Selling Your Agency To An Internal Buyer
I know from experience that you’ll walk away happier if you avoid making these four common mistakes when selling your business. In this piece I recently contributed to Forbes.com I discuss how by avoiding these mistakes when executing a deal, [...]