How to Simplify Your Business & Maximize Performance with Joe Calloway

Keep it simple. Sounds easy, right? Not so much. It’s one of those things that’s so much easier said than done. But until you begin to simplify your business, as well as the way you think about your business, it’s really difficult to maximize your performance.   Simplicity is the common thread that runs through [...]

How to Streamline Business Processes and Improve Workflow Efficiency with Chris Wilson

A lot of agencies want to grow and scale but it really gets to be a problem when they lack the proper workflow and systems and are unsure how to streamline business processes. Agency owners can sometimes need help learning how to manage workflow in office. Many agency owners bristle when they hear these words [...]

Systemizing Your Agency Using Documented Processes with Andrew Dymski

“We were kind of just flying by the seat of our pants, to be honest. We weren't operating off of a tight scope. We were just out there creating stuff that we knew we should be making, but there was no structure or order to it at all. We aren’t sure how to streamline processes [...]

Selling Your Agency and Preparing Your Business for Sale with John Warrillow

Every agency owner believes that they’ll sell their agency some day. But the truth is, most agency owners are not doing anything to make their business sellable. 90% of all agencies just close the doors one day. There’s nothing wrong with that. You can make a good living and pull extra money out every year [...]

The 3 Must-Have Workplace Meetings Every Organization Should Be Having

Humorist Dave Barry once said, “If you had to identify, in a single word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be “meetings.”   Most of you feel the same way. The last thing you need is another meeting but I am here [...]

Agency best practices — what to do when your client is stalled

Short of losing out on work, I'm not sure there's anything more frustrating then when a client is stalled on a project.  You know how it goes.  Client calls with their hair on fire.  You move heaven and earth to get the resources ready to help them solve their crisis and you're knee deep into [...]

Developing A Content Marketing Strategy that Actually Works with Joe Pulizzi

Strategy. Consistency. Focus. These are the key elements of content marketing strategy success in today’s content marketing world, according to my podcast guest, Joe Pulizzi. Joe is the founder of Content Marketing Institute and it’s cornerstone event Content Marketing World so he’s been teaching and living content for a long time. Today’s agencies have to [...]

Agency best practices — the new overtime law (2016)

The Department of Labor has finally decided how/when they’re going to roll out the new overtime law which is going to have a huge impact on agencies. And it’s not just agencies. It’s estimated that the preparation and management to stay compliance with this new law will cost US businesses $592.7 million and over there will [...]

Understanding Customer Value-Based Pricing as a Pricing Strategy with Ron Baker

Everyone in the agency business has a deep hatred for two aspects of your business. The billable hour and the timesheet. My podcast guest, Ron Baker, believes agencies should do away with both. (I disagree with him on the timesheet and you’ll hear why in our conversation). Ron’s philosophy is built around the concept of [...]

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