
Hey Agency Owner — Do you have the right people in the right seats?

Agency life is hectic.  Tight timelines, demanding clients and intense pressure is part of every day life.  In this kind of atmosphere every part of the machine must work in order to achieve both agency and client goals.  Anyone who has worked in an agency has experienced the aftermath of a bad hire. If one piece falters the whole thing can break down and cost more than just time. Digital Marketer asked me to talk about the common mistakes most agencies are guilty of in the hiring process and what steps can be taken to ensure you have the right person in the right position. A little bit of time on the front end in the hiring process can both save you a lot of lost time and money.  Have you assembled the right parts to make your agency run smoothly? You can read the article here and I’d love to hear what you thought.

Hey agency owner – how can you accelerate your agency growth?

The day to day functions of an agency can be both thrilling and chaotic. And when you’re in the heat of the moment, it’s often easy to forget to revisit your long term plans and strategies. And more so, those long term strategies are often kept in the executive suite.  But how can you expect your team to help you achieve those goals if they don’t have a clear picture of where the agency should be heading? I wrote the following article for Branding Magazine to talk about how you as the agency leader can engage your staff in both the long and short term goals for growth.  Sharing the plan with the team will not only will you improve staff engagement, but increase your agency growth and keep you on track to meeting your goals. Do you share your financial goals with your staff? If so, how often? In how much detail do you discuss them?  What have your results been? Share your experience with us.

Hey agency owner – how do you solve the agency talent dilemma?

Do you find yourself looking for that perfect staff addition after there is already a crises in motion? Do you feel rushed to fill a position, only to be frustrated by the shallow depth of the prospect pool? Does everyone who comes through the door for an interview want to make more than you do? I wrote the following article for MediaPost to talk about the so called agency talent dilemma.  The bottom line for me is that there is no shortage of talented, capable people out there willing to work for what you can afford to pay. What there is a lack of strategy on the part of agencies to be prepared to find those gems.  So how do you deal with your own talent “dilemma”?  How can you prepare for the staff work load crunch before the crunch happens?  Let’s talk!

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