
Investing in Love

You might be wondering if love really adds value to a business.” Warren Buffett sure thinks it does. You’ve probably heard of him. He’s done pretty well financially by making a few wise investments in companies. Indeed, he’s generally regarded the best ever at making savvy investments. One day I came across a video interview with him on The Motley Fool website. They asked him a question I’m sure he’s heard a million times about how he determines whether a company is worth buying. And he gave the answer you’d expect. He talked about analyzing the numbers (for which he has a legendary, uncanny ability) and reviewing the competitive landscape and doing his due diligence on the management team. But if all of that comes up good, he still has one more step. He sits down with the CEO and looks for the love. “I look into their eyes, and I try to figure out whether they love the money or they love the business,” Buffett said. “Everybody likes money. If they don’t love the business, I can’t put that into them.” If they do love it, he said, then he buys the company and it becomes his job “to make sure that I don’t do anything that in effect kills that love of the business.” It’s not hard science, I know, but if you analyze Buffett’s 15-second answer, he uses the word love four times. Buffett knows love matters, because we, as human beings, do all we can to nurture and grow the things we love. If he sees dollar signs in the CEO’s eyes instead of love, then Buffett knows that the only thing this person is interested in is his exit strategy. [...]

How to spark creativity on demand

I believe that one of the most challenging aspects of our work is the forced creativity. We have no time to wait around for a muse or to stand in the shower all day, hoping that inspiration will strike. Every day we need to be creative. Now. And I mean that in every sense of the word. The word creative no longer belongs to the creative department, if you even have one. Whether it is a strategy, a media channel decision, a messaging hierarchy or finding the right combination of words to get an uptick in Google Adwords — every single person in your agency needs to push past the mundane and expected ideas and find that diamond in the rough. Oh yeah — and they need to do it in 60 minutes. Or by tomorrow. Or in between meetings. I had an interesting conversation with Jason Keath, founder of the Social Fresh Conference about this struggle and from that, I captured 4 strategies to spark on-demand creativity in an article for Hubspot. Give one or more of them a try and let me know what you think.

Should you change beliefs or behavior?

The world was supposed to end in 1954. It didn't, obviously. But that didn't seem to matter much to the people who believed it would. Remember that. It's important, especially if you want to change people's opinions or behavior. Looking back at 1954, though, you might not be surprised that some folks thought we were facing our end here on Planet Earth. While the year began with the happy news of Marilyn Monroe marrying Joe DiMaggio, there were plenty of not-so-happy things that followed. The Hydrogen bomb test in the Bikini Atoll. The McCarthy hearings, which inflamed the Communist "Red Scare." The introduction of the "domino theory" that suggested that any Communism we let pass would lead to Communists taking over (and the end of the Capitalist world as we knew it). The seeds of the Vietnam War. There were even appearances from outer space, in the form of a meteor crashing through a house. But Dorothy Martin of Oak Park, Illinois, got something else from outer space. Her outer space-based sources told her in no uncertain terms that the world was going to end on December 21, 1954. Before the world flooded that night, a flying saucer was going to come and pick them up from Martin's home altar (also known as her sun porch). She believed. So did her followers. They sold their homes and gave away their possessions. That night, the minutes ticked by. The saucer didn't come. The world didn't end. What did Martin and her believers do? The rational answer would be that they realized they were wrong, and in varying levels of sheepishness, admitted it and went on to rebuild their lives. Right? I mean, that's what rational people [...]

If you’re going to go pro bono, at least get credit

I have yet to meet an agency owner who did not have a generous spirit. Whether your clients live in your community or not, every agency I know does a ton of pro bono work for the non-profits in their area. My agency has always been that way too. But I have to admit, I got tired of always being asked and feeling like a jerk when I had to say no. On top of that, I felt that in most cases, we were just slapping a bandaid on the non-profit’s issue. A run logo here or a golf tournament t-shirt design there or even a simple website now and then. But I never felt like we were leaving a true mark — I couldn’t see how we were deeply improving the non-profit in the long run. So I created a completely different way of approaching pro bono work. A way that allowed us to create events that attracted hundreds of thousands of dollars to some of the charities — year after year. Long after we were done working with them, they were still reaping the benefits. And we got a little publicity for our efforts as well. I described the pro bono transformation we experienced in an article for Hubspot and I’d love to hear what you think. I believe we can do good, make it really last, and benefit from it as well. I love that combination!

Agency Value In a Digital World – Purchase Price Structures

When digital was a novel offering, we saw agencies with that narrow focus receive extravagant valuations.  Today, digital expertise has become a given rather than a point of differentiation. I heard the comment at an AMI event that basic online digital services are part of the “table stakes” that every agency must put up in order to be seriously considered by a prospective new client, or by a current client for some types of projects.  That is consistent with my experience. Most agencies have it in-house and the others outsource it. But it’s a very rare agency today that just doesn’t offer digital services. So, how do advertising agencies charge for services? Agency values continue to be simply defined as a semi-subjective combination of profitability, size, the client list and the services the agency routinely provides. There are plenty of other factors that influence the final number but we always start with these. So, what about the seller’s goals?  Many agency owners begin down the path of selling their agency only to quickly retreat once they are shown the valuation and what they can hope to get as a purchase price/package A very important aspect of the transaction is the actual structure of the deal. How, how much, and when are you going to get paid?  In many cases, the sales price doesn’t matter as much as when are you going to get paid. First of all, how much cash are you going to receive at closing?  What can you expect? And, how negotiable is it? Managing Your Margin Let’s assume that your agency is profitable, with a respectable margin.  Say that the net margin is 15%. (Note: net margin is the percentage of revenue [...]

Consistency triumphs over bursts of brilliance

Last week, one of my mornings was consumed with podcast recordings and interviews. In some cases, I was the subject matter expert but in most, I was the host, asking questions of other agency- centric subject matter experts. By sheer coincidence every conversation danced around some aspect of business development, retaining clients and creating a culture that had the capacity and passion for chasing opportunities. Interestingly, there was a thread that wove through all of these separate conversations. The theme was consistency and the overarching opinion was that agencies live and die by their habits and by the agency owner’s habits. What we do (or don’t do) on a consistent basis sets our course. That got my wheels spinning and I came up with a little quiz for you to take. Do you have at least 4-5 hours a week blocked off on your calendar for new business sales (not marketing) activity? Do you hold (and not cancel) a weekly new business meeting with your internal team? Do you have a list of no more than 25 “I’d love to have them on our roster” prospects that you proactively touch at least every 6 weeks? Have you defined your agency’s philosophy/point of view so you can differentiate yourself and does every agency employee know, understand and use the same language to describe it? Now, a tangential question. How many new clients that are individually worth at least 15% of your agency’s current AGI have you earned since January? My guess is that there’s a correlation between how you answered the quiz questions and your answer to my tangential question. You and your agency are a product of what you consistently do. Are you reaping the [...]

Your employees are hungry to learn

A couple of months ago I spent two days sequestered in a conference room with 45 agency employees that all have “digital” in their job description, their daily work or on their long list of responsibilities. They were from 20+ different AMI agencies and the reason we were all together was that they wanted to pick each other’s brains. In advance of the meeting, they put together a nine-page discussion guide of all of the topics they wanted to cover. Nine pages! I can’t tell you how impressed I was with these professionals. For two days, they shared, questioned, taught, learned and grew. They were so hungry to get better, to help their agencies get better and to help their clients knock it out of the park. I know there are times when you, as an agency owner, get frustrated with your employees. They don’t always work in the way you want them to work. Or they may not burn the midnight oil at the office like you used to do. And they definitely are bolder about asking for what they want than we were in our early days. But I am here to tell you — they love their work, respect you and genuinely want to keep adding to their skills. So take heart — your team is as committed to their craft as you were when you were their age. My experience also reinforced one of the biggest takeaways from our AMI/Audience Audit research findings. The most important benefit from your employees’ point of view is educational opportunities and the chance to sharpen their saw. That’s good news for your agency and for you.

The 5 Things Every Marketing Agency Should Look for in the Client’s Contract

Your marketing agency just got a great new piece of business. Terrific news! The creative team is full of energy and ideas, the account service folks are ready to roll, and billings will start climbing soon. After there’s a contract signed, of course. Soon enough, there’s an email with your client’s standard (and very lengthy) “Professional Services Agreement” in your inbox with a request to sign before the work is approved. What now? First, avoid assuming that the client’s document represents a done deal. It can feel overwhelming to be on the receiving end of a legal document that neither the agency nor its legal advisor drafted. What kind of language should you expect, and what does an unreasonable provision look like? Where the client is an enterprise-sized company with a large in-house legal team or, even worse, a procurement department, managing the contract process, the contract review and negotiation seem more time consuming than completing the actual marketing work. It helps to know which issues to look for in a presented contract, especially those that could be legal or financial minefields for the agency. Here are 5 things every marketing agency principal should look for in the client’s contract form: Intellectual Property Provisions – Clients will expect to own the intellectual property in the work the agency creates for them, and their contract form will likely include language that provides for this, with the default provision that the client own rights to the work as soon as it is created. It’s certainly fair for the client to expect to own the IP (unless the parties have agreed to some sort of licensing arrangement), but only once the agency is paid for its work. Negotiate language that conditions [...]

How to Keep Your Agency’s Top Talent Without Breaking the Bank

Agencies can no longer expect to hold onto fantastic writers, designers, or account managers for the next 20 years. In fact, they’re lucky if they can get three years. After surveying almost 1,000 marketing and advertising agencies, I learned that just about every agency is facing similar turnover problems. Agencies are struggling to find and keep good employees, especially because workers are being poached by clients, other agencies, and even corporations.  As a result, agencies are worried about taking on new business opportunities that would require recruiting more talent. To resolve the problem, they’re adding more significant benefits (and more money) to their new employee packages. It won’t be long, however, before there’s another economic shift. Throwing more money into the mix may not be an option: Likely, agencies will have to ratchet it down as soon as next year, especially when clients are asking for prices to remain the same or sometimes even shrink.  So how can you become a stickier employer without emptying your wallet?  Beef up your company culture. You must know how to celebrate your agency’s unique core values. What’s the ultimate vision for your agency? Consider the intangible reasons someone chooses agency life over corporate life (and why someone would choose your agency over another). You work there, too, so don’t forget to make the agency unique in ways that matter to you. As you determine what makes the business unique, emphasize it. Money alone won’t win the day. Create a work environment where someone chooses to stay for fit instead of funds. For example, do you offer flexibility that allows an employee to attend her child’s midday soccer game or opportunities to take longer vacations?  Invest in what matters [...]

Are you offering “the trail blazing benefit”?

In an AMI network meeting last week, the big topic was employee recruitment and retention. If your agency isn’t struggling with this issue, consider yourself one of the lucky few. Agencies (and it seems all businesses) are fighting tooth and nail to find and keep productive, committed employees. Many of you are looking for so long that you end up compromising just to get someone in place. And we all know how well that usually works. Overall, agency owners are incredibly generous with benefits and flexibility. But there’s a new benefit that I want to make sure you’ve got on your radar screen because it may be worth considering as a recruiting tool. One of the things we talk about in our Managing Millennials workshop is that all employees (but particularly millennials) love to have “brag-worthy” benefits and this one is definitely brag-worthy. The benefit is student loan repayment. You can read more about it in this Forbes article and see some examples of how it is being positioned and packaged. Employee recruiting and retention will be a major discussion at our owner’s workshop (Best Management Practices of Agency Owners) this coming March in Chicago. Registration is open if you’d like to hear how other agency owners are reducing their workweek, actually getting to their family events and putting more profit on the bottom line.

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