
Search results for: agency management

Member only webinar – agency value

Thanks for joining us live (or now) for our members-only webinar focusing on the choices you make today that affect the value of your agency down the road. Please do not share this outside of your agency as it's part of your membership benefits. The webinar video: https://youtu.be/Ekgk-9LWukg     Download the deck

July 13th, 2022|

How to up-level your agency’s growth in two simple steps with Drew McLellan

We all know the phrase, “what we don’t know, can’t hurt us.” But, it also can’t make us any more money. That’s why this week, we’re kicking things off with another solocast episode where I’ll be discussing the two agency growth secrets that are guaranteed to put more money in your pocket and bring clients to you effortlessly. […]

July 11th, 2022|

The freedoms you should be giving yourself as an agency owner with Drew McLellan

This holiday week, the idea of freedom is at the forefront of many people’s minds. It’s a topic that touches so many facets of our lives every day. In today’s episode, I want to turn my focus to agency owners, and what freedoms we should be taking full advantage of that will ultimately benefit your agency culture. […]

July 4th, 2022|

Using 6-week cycles to optimize agency operations with Joe Martin

We all wish we had more time in our schedules, right? We long for a day without interruptions so we can just focus and do our best work. Or, even worse, we’ve finished all of our work, and now we don’t know what to do with ourselves. These are two different problems, but, according to today’s guest, both have the same solution that starts in our agency operations. […]

June 27th, 2022|

Your agency after you: Legacy planning with Andrea Shoup

What happens to our agencies when something happens to us? No one likes to think about the day that they’re no longer around, and it’s no secret as to why. The conversation can feel more than a little uncomfortable. But as agency owners, it’s one that’s far too important for us to avoid or ignore. If we want to ensure that our businesses —and more importantly —our people will be taken care of should the unexpected happen, then we need to make sure that we have a plan in place that allows our agencies to keep living on even after we’re gone. […]

May 30th, 2022|

How to Add Programmatic Advertising as a Revenue Stream for Your Agency

Our previous article in this series outlined the three ways agencies can add programmatic advertising services within their organization to increase revenue: by in-housing, outsourcing to an ad tech vendor, or partnering with an agency that specializes in programmatic advertising services. Each option has its own unique benefits and drawbacks for agencies to consider, but as we concluded, we recommend partnering with an agency that specializes in programmatic to get your service offering up and running as quickly as possible without having to add headcount.  After finding the right programmatic advertising partner, how should an agency go about getting their new programmatic advertising services up and running for their clients? And what exactly does that process entail? While it varies from agency to agency depending on an organization’s size, number of clients, turnaround time on sign-offs, and complexity of ad campaigns to be executed, we provide our partners with the following guidelines—noting that when there’s a high level of engagement from both teams, things can also move faster. Below, we outline everything you need to know about adding programmatic advertising to your agency’s service list, including a programmatic onboarding timeline, pricing options, and the different ways you can choose to handle client relationships with a partner. Working With a Programmatic Partner The onboarding process with your programmatic service provider will look a little different depending on whether you plan to manage the client relationship yourself or refer your clients directly to your partner. For those who choose to manage the relationship, they can either let their clients know about the programmatic partner or keep that partner “behind the curtain.” Benefits of the latter include consistency for your clients, ability to manage your agency’s relationship with that [...]

May 23rd, 2022|

Empowering women as agency owners with Christy Hiler

Women own less than 1% of the ad agencies in North America. This gender gap is disappointing and staggering, but in this episode of Build a Better Agency, our guest expert Christy Hiler reminds us that bridging that gap is far from impossible. […]

May 23rd, 2022|

Becoming trusted agency leaders with Sue Dyer

As agency owners, the work environments we create are a direct reflection of our leadership styles. In a trust-led environment, our people should feel safe to speak up, take risks, and take ownership of the work they produce. Trust is the cornerstone for strong communication, creativity, and the innovation that fuels our business. So, what happens when trust isn’t part of the equation? […]

May 9th, 2022|

AI and the future of agency tools with Paul Roetzer

Whether we realize it or not, artificial intelligence (AI) has already impacted countless aspects of our everyday lives. And as the technology we rely on continues to adapt and change, those changes will inevitably shape the future of our businesses, our industry, and our society. As agency owners, it’s our job to stay ahead of those changes — even if the thought of an AI-driven agency is, understandably, a little intimidating. […]

May 2nd, 2022|

Aligning worldviews in agency relationships with Karley Cunningham

How does your agency show up in the world? As agency owners, we have a responsibility to know what’s going on — with our business, our employees, and our clients. There’s a lot going on in the world, and understanding how these things affect the worldviews of others in our space is the first step in deepening our agency relationships, elevating our business, and making sure we go beyond the “one-word” values our industry seems to be riddled with. […]

April 18th, 2022|

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