
Search results for: agency management

Rethinking agency biz dev part 5: Focus your agency’s POV with Drew McLellan

Agency life has evolved dramatically since the era portrayed in shows like Mad Men. We used to be the keepers of the “secret sauce” for making the magic happen, and now we’re the keepers of the secret knowledge for using that magic to its greatest potential. Agencies used to be expected to be generalists, but now clients and prospects are looking for specialists with a depth of strategic expertise. And part of that specialty is having a clear point of view. But you can’t just whisper it; you have to shout it from the mountaintops. […]

February 7th, 2022|

Rethinking agency biz dev part 3: The 6 kisses of death to avoid with Drew McLellan

Agencies often pose important questions to our clients in order to help steer them into good decision-making. We talk to them about the need to be findable, to understand the customer’s buying journey, to be helpful to clients instead of selling to them, and being aware of how far prospects are into the buying decision by the time the client is actually aware the prospect exists. We are great at teaching this to our clients, but many agencies aren’t so great at taking their own advice. […]

January 24th, 2022|

Rethinking agency biz dev part 2: How things evolve with Drew McLellan

During the lifetime of an agency, how that agency/agency owner approaches business development evolves. In the beginning, an agency’s first clients are people the agency owner knows personally. From there, as the agency matures and grows, it morphs into working with people who have been referred to the agency by happy clients. Many agencies never evolve past this level of business development. It can be challenging to see options for the continuum of business development beyond the normal routine. […]

January 17th, 2022|

Rethinking agency biz dev part 1: Find a niche with Drew McLellan

As we start to dip our toes into 2022, many agencies have been pretty quiet on the biz dev front for the last 4-6 weeks. By the time we emerge from the holiday hibernation, we’re approaching February and our pipeline is feeling a little weak. I decided to help you jump-start your agency biz dev efforts with a series of podcast conversations just between you and me. […]

January 10th, 2022|

Stop running your agency based on fear with Drew McLellan

In response to the changes brought about by the pandemic, many agency owners have turned to fear-based decision-making. Employee turnover and demands coupled with an erratic market and global uncertainty can make things feel out of control. Trying to steer an agency with a vision requires decision-making that might put you at odds with your team so it might feel wise to placate rather than push. But it’s not. […]

December 27th, 2021|

How young people think about the agency business with Michael Barber

Diversity and inclusion have never been more front and center and the workplace is being called upon to better reflect the world around us, especially by our younger employees and potential employees. Agencies are trying to do their part, but many are feeling lost because they simply don’t know what they don’t know. If we want to continue to attract young talent, we have to crack this code. […]

December 20th, 2021|

The 2021 Agency Edge Research Series with Susan Baier

Understanding how clients view the agency relationship is key to making the most of that partnership. Every year since 2014, AMI and Audience Audit have brought you The Agency Edge Research Series to hopefully give helpful insights into what clients and prospects are looking for when working with agencies. The 2020 research correctly indicated that 2021 was going to be very robust for agency business. This year’s study was built to better understand the thinking behind this growth on the client side, in particular how this explosion in engagement affected how they thought about their agency relationships. […]

December 6th, 2021|

Thank You – 2021 Agency Edge

Thank you for requesting our 2021 Agency Edge Report.  Check your email for your report. You can also download it here. If you have any questions, please email Drew or Susan.

November 18th, 2021|

Agency Edge 2021 webinar

Here's the replay video of the Agency Edge 2021 research webinar.  If you have any questions, feel free to email Susan or Drew. https://youtu.be/XZNuJNBfiwc Here's the executive summary of the research results. Access the visualization data here.

November 7th, 2021|

Who should be your agency voice?

If you’ve heard me say it once, you’ve heard me say it 1,000 times — it’s tough to be a generalist out there. In simplest terms, it means your competition is everyone from the 16 yer old kid who builds websites to every freelancer, to 99 designs to every other agency within your prospect’s knowledge base. I am a firm believer in positioning your agency (see solocast #190 — positioning your agency)  and then leaning heavily into those niches. When you have a depth of knowledge in a particular space (industry vertical, audience or problem you solve, or in rare cases — a specialty offering like crisis communications) you can begin to build an authority position.  Key to claiming that position of authority is creating content that demonstrates your expertise by teaching your audience what you know. (More on all of that in later newsletters!) But who should be that voice of authority?  Many agency owners I see ask, “do I really have to be the one who writes all of the blog posts", or finds all of the podcast guests or whatever your creation demand is based on the channels you want to build out.  That’s not what I’m talking about.  Who should be the voice/face of your authority position is not the same question as who should create all the content.  But let’s put a pin in that for now. If you are like some agency owners, the idea of being in the spotlight (literally or metaphorically) is pretty unappealing.  And you’d like to have one or all of your employees step up into that role.  Not an awesome idea.  Why?  Because like the Coca-Cola logo or PMS red — if you do [...]

October 22nd, 2021|

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