
Search results for: agency management

Can your employees actually buy your agency?

In our initial M&A conversation with many owners, they’ve mad a false assumption that they have to find an outside buyer because their employees couldn’t possibly afford to buy their agency. Beware of assumptions!

December 8th, 2023|

Thank You – 2023 Agency Edge

Thank you for requesting our 2023 Agency Edge Report.  Check your email for your report. You can also download it here. If you have any questions, please email Drew or Susan.

November 28th, 2023|

Thank You – 2022 Agency Edge

Thank you for requesting our 2022 Agency Edge Report.  Check your email for your report. You can also download it here. If you have any questions, please email Drew or Susan.

November 28th, 2023|

The agency owner’s game plan for 2024 with Drew McLellan

2023 is quickly coming to a close, so it’s time for agency owners to start thinking about the year ahead to come up with their 2024 game plan. With holiday hibernation quickly approaching for most agency owners, this is the perfect time to reflect on 2023 and start thinking about what we want to improve for 2024. […]

November 27th, 2023|

Can agency employees think like an owner?

Many agency owners want their employees to think like an owner. And what we mean by that of course, is we want them to care as much about the business as we do and we want them to make decisions that are in the best interest of the agency rather than themselves or even their department. In some cases, we're talking about a leadership team. But the reality is it's pretty hard to think like an owner when you've never been an owner and when you don't have the weight things like can I make payroll this month?

November 9th, 2023|

What’s the biggest mistake agency owners make?

There are many challenges that come with some pretty big consequences when you own an agency. But the greatest consequence is when the agency owner does not build wealth outside the agency while they still own it.

November 9th, 2023|

Decoupling from the day-to-day grind as an agency owner with Lien De Pau

One of the most common questions we still receive is about how to decouple yourself from the day-to-day grind of agency life and finally get to focus on being an agency owner. Many of us became accidental entrepreneurs and owners, and now that we have teams to lead, it can be hard to stop doing the old work that got us started on this journey. […]

October 16th, 2023|

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