
Search results for: agency management

Redesigning agency culture in a new remote and hybrid world with Gustavo Razzetti

Shifting agency culture has been a huge point of contention for many agency owners since the beginning of the pandemic. For some, it’s brought a lot of challenges in understanding how we can work as a team while being scattered around, while others have embraced the changes and have tried to adapt the best they can. […]

October 9th, 2023|

The art of perfecting presentations for agency employees with Michael Weiss

No matter how experienced you are, everyone gets nervous before getting up in front of a room full of people to speak. The adrenaline starts pumping, and you start doubting yourself and your ideas a little bit. It’s a universal experience we’ve all felt at least once in our lives. […]

October 2nd, 2023|

Agency COO virtual peer groups

Agency COO's - Could 90 Minutes A Month Change Your Life? Something we often hear from agency COOs/Director or Operations, etc. is they wished they had others to bounce around ideas with …who understand the business … that could offer an informed opinion. Let’s face it. As the agency's COO, you're usually the one who is driving some of the biggest decisions within the business. But, what if you could spend an 90-minutes a month with an “ad hoc” board of advisors -others who are walking the same path as you, facing the same challenges? We’re inviting you to join AMI’s Virtual Agency COO Network - a monthly 90-minute long meeting of the member agency COOs/Director of Operations (10 agencies max) who talk openly and freely about their challenges and come together collectively to assist each other to meet those challenges. It will become the best, most productive hour of your month. We promise. AMI's Carolyn Lodge facilitates these virtual video gatherings of COOs from across the world that not only learn from each other but also create a bond in a confidential environment that promotes resource sharing, problem-solving, and camaraderie. You’re Among Peers Who All Want The Same Thing Network members are exclusive to their market – there’s no competitive threat … no other agencies from across town … only others just like you who are committed to growing their agencies in ways that separate and distinguish them from those in an increasingly competitive marketplace. There’s power in collective experiences. Each month (and probably in-between via email) members come together to tackle issues … from best practices for attracting and retaining top talent, developing account teams that are business advisors …not order [...]

August 19th, 2023|

Your agency’s work environment

Back in the day when we were all in an office together, one of my favorite things was to walk into someone's office and observe what they chose to surround themselves with. Things they collected, pictures of family and friends, swag from the agency, work that they were really proud of, but it was really cool to see what they chose to create their work environment with, the tools that they surrounded themselves, the environment that they created. Now that so many people are working from home at least part of the week, if not all of the week, or even if you're in an office, you may have a situation where people are fluid in and out of offices and so they don't have their own workspace. It got me thinking about how we probably have not taken the time to create that same kind of environment in our work offices. And we really haven't, as agency owners, supported our team in creating that sort of work environment. Now, I know most of you have provided computers and monitors and are helping pay for internet and all of the sort of the basics, but have you thought at all about what surrounds your employees and what inspires them to do great work?

August 9th, 2023|

AI experiments for your agency

Every agency on the planet is talking about AI these days, and here are a couple ways that you and your agency can experiment with, start using, and start talking about AI.

August 9th, 2023|

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