Every agency on the planet is talking about AI these days, and here are a couple ways that you and your agency can experiment with, start using, and start talking about AI.

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Hey everybody, Drew McLellan here
from Agency Management Institute,
this week coming to you from Montreal.
You know, every agency on the planet
is talking about AI these days,
and here are a couple ways
that you and your agency
can experiment with, start using,
and start talking about AI.
Couple things:
Number one, many agencies are forming
some sort of a task force
or a cross-disciplinary team
that is experimenting
with different AI tools every month.
And so what they're doing
is they're coming together,
and it's a handful of people
from different departments,
they're coming together
and they're identifying two or three tools
that they want to try for 30 to 60 days.
And then they're deciding
which department or which team member
is going to start playing with those tools
and learning a little bit about them,
and then coming back to that task force
and reporting on what they discovered.
So it might be a word-based AI tool,
it might be a visual-based AI tool,
it could be research,
whatever it is.
And then they're coming back
and they're sort of vetting the tools.
So that's number one:
that you've got to start experimenting
and playing with the different tools
to see which ones can serve you and your clients.
Number two, they are finding learning communities
where they can talk about them.
So in the Build a Better Agency Facebook group,
lots of AI conversations
around which tools people are using.
And so, making suggestions to one another
about how they're using the tools,
how they're languaging around the tools with clients,
things like that.
So find a community of other agency owners
who are doing the exact same thing you are,
that are collaborative and willing to share,
like the AMI community is.
And we welcome you, of course,
into that Facebook group,
to join us.
All you have to do is look for
Build a Better Agency podcast on Facebook.
If you search for that,
you'll find the Facebook group.
You have to answer three questions
and you can come on in.
And the third thing that they're doing is
they are finding resources,
like the Marketing AI Institute that has classes
for you and your team members to take.
They are attending our monthly
"How are agencies using AI today?" webinars.
Those are absolutely free.
Again, you can learn about those
in the Facebook group.
But they're surrounding themselves
in a lot of different ways with other people
who are doing just what you're doing,
which is trying to figure out
how to weave some of these tools
into your daily work
and also how to talk about
the legalities around it,
how do you tell clients that you're using AI,
how do you answer their questions,
how do you educate them.
So, all of this is experimental for everybody.
So don't feel bad
that you don't have all the answers;
nobody does.
And by the way,
even if you had all the answers today,
the tools are changing so fast,
you'll need new answers tomorrow.
But you have to step into the water
and get your feet wet,
and these are some great ways to do it.
All right?
Hope this was helpful.
I'll see you next week!

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