As agency owners and leaders, we have goals and we don’t share them with the people around us. We don’t share them with our leadership team. We don’t share them with the agency as a whole, and when we don’t share them, our team, our leadership team, and our employees can’t participate in accomplishing the goal or celebrating the goal.

I think all too often we hold that stuff so close to the vest that we lose the opportunity, one, to collaborate, and two, to celebrate.

We need to be better about that in our agencies too, we need to talk about our goals, we need to talk about why they matter, and we need to have other people contribute to accomplishing the goals. Remember, we learn better when we learn together. We accomplished things better when we accomplished them together.

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Hey everybody!
Drew McLellan here from Agency Management Institute,
this week coming to you from Arlington, Texas,
the home of the Texas Rangers.
Why is that important?
Because it's why I'm here.
For the last 15 or so years,
I have been chasing a bucket list item
of seeing a baseball game in every baseball park
in North America.
I've even seen games in places that don't exist anymore,
like the stadium for Montreal Expos,
which is no longer a team.
So this weekend was my final game.
It was the Texas Rangers against the
Los Angeles Dodgers,
my team,
and for years I've thought about
how awesome it will be to sort of complete that bucket list
and check that,
and check that box and say,
yep, I've been to every park.
But what I didn't anticipate was how amazing it could be
when I shared my goal.
So if Danielle and I had just come down
and watched a baseball game and I had completed my task,
that would've felt great.
If I love baseball.
I love sharing it with the people that I love.
But what happened instead,
were 30 of our dearest and nearest friends found out
that this was a bucket list item for me
and that this was going to be my final game.
And they conspired to figure out a way for us
to actually experience the game together.
And so, yesterday I got to watch my final game
in my final ballpark with 30 of our closest friends.
So, why am I telling you all of this?
Because a lot of times I think as agency owners
and leaders, we have goals
and we don't share them with the people around us.
We don't share them with our leadership team.
We don't share them with the agency as a whole,
and when we don't share them,
our team, our leadership team,
our employees can't participate
in accomplishing the goal
or celebrating the goal.
I think all too often we hold that stuff
so close to the vest
that we lose the opportunity,
one, to collaborate, and two, to celebrate.
So I couldn't have imagined the game
being what it was yesterday
without all kinds of people contributing ideas,
opportunities, a skybox, two dinners out.
There was just so much more than just doing the game,
and it was so amazing to celebrate it
with this group of people that I love.
We need to be better about that in our agencies is too,
we need to talk about our goals,
we need to talk about why they matter,
and we need to have other people contribute
to accomplishing the goals.
Remember, we learn better when we learn together.
We accomplished things better
when we accomplished them together.
It's faster, it's more efficient,
and as I experienced yesterday,
it is way more, way bigger, way better,
that we could have imagined doing it ourselves.
So what I want you to do is
I want you to start thinking about the goals
that you have for the agency.
They might be financial goals,
they might be employee retention goals,
it might be a dream client that you've always wanted
to have on the roster.
And I want you to share those goals with your team
and ask them and invite them to participate with you
in accomplishing those goals.
Give it a try.
I think you're going to be surprised
at how quickly you get to the goal
and how much more fun it is when you get there.
All right, I'll see you next week.

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