
Search results for: agency management

Love Your Niche

There are a lot of reasons to choose a specific niche for your agency, but one trumps all the others. Do you love it?

January 24th, 2023|

Building your 2023 budget

Hopefully by now you've done some 2023 planning and have built a budget for the year. But how did you designate where those dollars should come from?

December 28th, 2022|

Incentivizing daily time tracking with Drew McLellan

Time tracking is one of the most overlooked resources in an agency’s day-to-day operations. Without it, you’re missing out on valuable data about where you need more training, more staff, or even if you’re charging enough for your services. That’s why I’m talking today about incentivizing daily time tracking with your employees. […]

December 12th, 2022|

Timesheet Refreshers

Timesheets (although we hate them) are a foundational tool for running a profitable agency. And yet, we set up our employees for failure in terms of doing them accurately. Here's how to help them get it right.

October 25th, 2022|

Your Final Bow

In our succession work we find that agency owners who are ready to exit their agency actually have no idea how they want to exit. This is too important of a moment for your team, your clients, your family and for you to let it be decided by chance or in haste. Now is the time to begin thinking about it.

October 5th, 2022|

Weathering an economic storm with recession planning with Drew McLellan

We’ve all been hearing it: a storm is coming. Or maybe it’s not. Depending on who you ask, we don’t know what our economic future holds. But one thing is for sure, if you stay prepared with recession planning, regardless of what the economy is doing, you can hold strong against those unexpected changes much more easily. […]

October 3rd, 2022|

Track It All

Timesheets. There may be nothing hated more in our world. Many agencies and agency owners look for a way to avoid doing them or doing them with some sort of shortcut built in. Sadly, they're missing the point. Timesheets are one of the cornerstone data points for your agency. If you do it right.

September 28th, 2022|

Coach Up or Coach Out

When it's been so brutal to hire team members, it's tempting to tolerate mediocre performances but the price you pay is going to be way more than you're willing to endure.

August 19th, 2022|

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