Opportunity Cost
There's a delta between what your agency could be earning and what you earn today. If you don't know what that is -- how can you solve for it so you can close the gap. This is an example of agency math that every agency owner should understand and be applying to their shop. Download a copy of the step-by-step math and how it can change lives! https://agencymanagementinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/AMI-OpportunityLost.pdf Watch »
A Seller’s Market
It's a seller's market out there for agencies looking to hire. Candidates are having a heyday using one offer to negotiate against another and many agencies are being "scooped" by faster moving employers. So how do you win? Watch »
An Unfair Trade
Trading for services sounds like a great idea but in most cases, the end results are a broken relationship and work that isn't what you needed or wanted. Would you ask your doctor to trade services? Maybe we shouldn't do it either. Watch »
Don’t Give It Away
You have worked your tail off as an agency owner. Blood, sweat, tears and a lot of late nights sweating payroll in the beginning. And yet -- you are way too quick to give it away. Many agency owners think that a gift of stock will keep a key employee. I'm here to tell you why that is rarely the right choice. For you or the employee. Watch »
Optimism with an *
I love agency owners. They're smart, funny, creative and generous. They're also the most optimistic pessimists I've ever met! If you own an agency, and despite how well things are going, find yourself knocking on wood and looking over your shoulder -- you are not alone. I have some ideas on how to shake that nagging worry. Watch »
What WFH expenses are agencies covering?
When most agencies sent their employees home last year, there were additional expenses that cropped up. Bigger monitors, cell phones, internet, etc. Now that agencies are heading back to the office (or even if they're staying remote) they're deciding which of those expenses are the agency's responsibility and which are the employees? Here's how agencies are approaching this additional cost. Watch »
Give them dessert first
Many agencies make this classic mistake when pitching for new work. Just remember -- give them dessert first! Watch »
Get Their Name Right
Details. It always boils down to getting them right. It's one of the toughest concepts for young AEs to grasp, but from the client's perspective, it's the difference between getting a raise or losing their job. We have to show clients we are always paying attention to the details. Here's a simple way...that we often get wrong. Watch »
Start Today
Sooner or later, most agency owners want to retire. You think about it in the abstract, but very few owners actually get down to the nitty gritty and put a plan in place soon enough. There's plenty you can do 5-10 years out to make sure you keep all your options open. Don't wait too long! Watch »
What’s your disaster plan?
Life happens and sometimes, it isn't good. Our employees have lives outside of our office and every once in a while, their lives get disrupted with a disaster or crisis. What policies and programs do you have in place to support them through a tough time? At my agency, we'd always reacted on a "as needed" basis but a book I recently read got me thinking about creating a broader policy so my team would know they could count on me if something hit the fan. I'll be curious what you think of this idea. Watch »