
Agency Tips

Getting Over Your Stage Fright

Getting Over Your Stage Fright

One of the realities of being an agency owner is that we often need to be front and center. It might be speaking at an industry event or shooting a video series. Believe it or not -- I was anxious about starting to shoot video. (It's the face for radio thing...) but I found a workaround that worked like a charm. Watch »

Made In Fear

Made In Fear

Fear based decision-making is an easy trap to fall into, especially right now. But it is a slippery slope that can get an agency into trouble in a hurry. It takes courage to lead every day. But it particularly takes courage on the days when difficult decisions need to be made. How adept are you and your leadership team at avoiding making decisions from the wrong place? Watch »

Utilization Issues

Utilization Issues

You spend an incredible amount of time and energy on client work. So why can't you bill it all? What happens between the timesheet and the invoice? Solving this problem means a serious boost in the bottom line. I have some thoughts.... Watch »

Where’s the revenue?

Where’s the revenue?

There's always a delta between how much your agency could earn and how much you actually do earn. There are some very straightforward reasons why this delta exists and some fixes to close that gap. In this video, I'll share some ideas on both. Watch »

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity Cost

There's a delta between what your agency could be earning and what you earn today. If you don't know what that is -- how can you solve for it so you can close the gap. This is an example of agency math that every agency owner should understand and be applying to their shop. Download a copy of the step-by-step math and how it can change lives! https://agencymanagementinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/AMI-OpportunityLost.pdf Watch »

A Seller’s Market

A Seller’s Market

It's a seller's market out there for agencies looking to hire. Candidates are having a heyday using one offer to negotiate against another and many agencies are being "scooped" by faster moving employers. So how do you win? Watch »

An Unfair Trade

An Unfair Trade

Trading for services sounds like a great idea but in most cases, the end results are a broken relationship and work that isn't what you needed or wanted. Would you ask your doctor to trade services? Maybe we shouldn't do it either. Watch »

Don’t Give It Away

Don’t Give It Away

You have worked your tail off as an agency owner. Blood, sweat, tears and a lot of late nights sweating payroll in the beginning. And yet -- you are way too quick to give it away. Many agency owners think that a gift of stock will keep a key employee. I'm here to tell you why that is rarely the right choice. For you or the employee. Watch »

Optimism with an *

Optimism with an *

I love agency owners. They're smart, funny, creative and generous. They're also the most optimistic pessimists I've ever met! If you own an agency, and despite how well things are going, find yourself knocking on wood and looking over your shoulder -- you are not alone. I have some ideas on how to shake that nagging worry. Watch »

What WFH expenses are agencies covering?

What WFH expenses are agencies covering?

When most agencies sent their employees home last year, there were additional expenses that cropped up. Bigger monitors, cell phones, internet, etc. Now that agencies are heading back to the office (or even if they're staying remote) they're deciding which of those expenses are the agency's responsibility and which are the employees? Here's how agencies are approaching this additional cost. Watch »

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