Want To Make Your Agency Stronger? Embrace Uncertainty
There will always be uncertainty in life. Instead of pining after a “normal” that probably wasn’t as rosy as you remember, embrace uncertainty and the perspective it brings. In this piece I recently contributed to Forbes.com I discuss how to [...]
Do You Really Have Peace of Mind?
As I was racing to turn in my copy for next week’s social media & email marketing campaign and getting the last approvals to my book editor, I found myself at a crossroads and wondering: are these activities going to [...]
Understanding Your Company Culture Could Be Key To Branding
By taking the time to understand what values and expectations guide internal behaviors, you can strengthen the outward image you portray. In this piece I recently contributed to MediaPost.com I discuss how pinpointing and capitalizing on the aspects that affect [...]
Creating Systems That Your Team Will Actually Use
If you're a busy agency owner like myself, you know that systems are so important, but likely the last thing on the never-ending to-do list. My secret sauce? Standard Operating Procedures (living, breathing documents) so that at any point in [...]
Don’t Let Doubts Absorb Your Organization — Use Them to Grow as a Leader
You can't lead a team effectively until you take steps to regain your confidence. In this piece I recently contributed to Entrepreneur.com I discuss ways to overcome self-doubt and restore your confidence.
If you win them all, you’re not playing in the right league
If we’ve ever met or you’ve ever watched any of our weekly videos, you know that I love baseball. For those of you who think it’s boring or slow — we should chat. But stick with me through the analogy. [...]
Subscriptions Aren’t Just For Consumers: Here’s How B2B Companies Can Use Them
Convenient transactions are great, but feeling like an “insider” is even more appealing. People want to be a part of a VIP community with exclusive access to products and services. In this piece I recently contributed to Forbes.com I discuss [...]
Who should be your agency voice?
If you’ve heard me say it once, you’ve heard me say it 1,000 times — it’s tough to be a generalist out there. In simplest terms, it means your competition is everyone from the 16 yer old kid who builds [...]
There’s a reason why most people do not own agencies
I know it’s a rare individual who can weather the rocky road that is agency ownership. After spending more than a decade working with over 250 agencies a year (and doing it for my own agency for 25 years) I [...]
Agency Owners Should Leverage These Client Trends To Solidify Their Services
As the pandemic fades, many agency owners are breathing a sigh of relief. I understand the urge to take a break and slow down but now isn’t the time. The agencies that remain flexible and continue to invest in business development [...]