Why Getting New Business Doesn’t Have to be a Mystery with Peter Levitan
I don’t care how big or old your agency is — you want to win more new business. If I could bottle business development success — I’d be a billionaire. Honestly – getting new business for your agency is not [...]
Essential Business Building Strategies You Need to Grow Your Agency with Jason Falls
As an agency owner, you know that if you're not ready to evolve your agency with business building strategies, you'd better get ready to retire. The agency business is undergoing an incredible metamorphosis and most agency owners are running at full speed to keep up. [...]
Effectively Managing the Client-Agency Relationship with Scott Monty
As an agency owner you know how valuable effectively managing the client-agency relationship is. But it's getting tougher every day, as clients choose to work with multiple agencies and push for measurable metrics that proof that they money they invest with you is [...]
Hey Agency Owner — Do you have the right people in the right seats?
Agency life is hectic. Tight timelines, demanding clients and intense pressure is part of every day life. In this kind of atmosphere every part of the machine must work in order to achieve both agency and client goals. Anyone who [...]
Hey agency owner — what’s your succession plan?
When I look an agency owner in the eye and ask, “what’s your business succession plan?” it’s amazing what I see in their eyes. I work with 150 or so small to mid-sized (1 employee to 150 employees) privately held [...]
Hey agency owner — the podium is calling (thought leadership for agency owners)
When I review an agency's new business plan (assuming they have one) one of the strategies that is usually built into the plan is building a thought leadership position for agency owners or leaders. Within that strategy is usually a [...]
Hey agency owner – want a no fail agency new business tactic?
One of the biggest issues that agency owners and other key staff that are charged with agency new business face is getting on the radar screen of their prospects. This is where a small business marketing technique could come in handy. Read on for [...]
3 mistakes your AEs make that cost you money
As an agency owner of 20+ years – and someone who guides small- to mid-sized agencies in my role at Agency Management Institute every year – I spend time with hundreds of owners and their employees I get the worries [...]
Hey Agency Owner — how do you keep your creatives on target?
An ad agency creative brief is one way to get your creatives to stay on target when they may be struggling. In today's digital, data driven agency environment -- many agencies struggle to keep their creatives on target. We're evolving from [...]
Hey Agency Owner — are you mentoring for growth?
Agency owners are really good at a lot of things. Unfortunately, mentoring employees for growth is often not one of them. I get it -- you want self starters. You don't have time to micromanage people. You want someone who can [...]