2015 Salary survey results tell an interesting story
Business trends including changes in salaries and benefits can make or break an agency’s profitability from one year to the next. That’s why we conduct a comprehensive annual salary and benefits survey and we’ve just wrapped up our 2015 edition [...]
Hey agency owner — remember monkey see, monkey do
One of the first lessons that I learned as a Dad is that while my words mattered, my actions trumped those words every time. My daughter watched every choice, every action and inaction, every moment – and whether I liked [...]
The Agency Owner’s Job Description
Here’s the ad agency structure kernel of truth you’ve been denying for too long. You can’t own/run a successful, scaleable agency and still be in the weeds of client work. You just can’t do it. I work with 200+ agencies [...]
Hey agency owner — 3 Keys to Working On the Agency, Not in It!
Drew’s Note: I’m pleased to bring you this guest post. Meet another thought leader who shares his insights via the blogosphere. So without further ado…Chris Wilson. Enjoy! Implementing the proper business growth strategies is tough when you are spending a large [...]
Hey agency owners — are you struggling with your millennial employees?
One of the most common struggles I hear from agency owners is that they're struggling with managing their millennial employees. For a bit of levity, I often share this video.[youtube]https://youtu.be/Sz0o9clVQu8And in case you're a millennial reading this -- here's the [...]
Hey agency owner – do you REALLY act like a partner?
Building client relationships is vital to the success of any agency -- but -- this doesn’t necessarily mean agencies always treat their clients in such a way that the agency is regarded as a partner in the client’s business. I [...]
Hey agency owner — read these books
I read. A lot. I'm convinced it is one of the reasons I'd had the good fortune to be successful, find and keep awesome clients and stay on track. Books teach, inspire, kick us in the rear and keep us [...]
Hey agency owner — it’s time to learn how to share the sandbox and work with other agencies
Building client relationships and working with other agencies can be challenging, but it is vital for your agency’s long-term success. In fact, one of the agency/client trends that is toughest for most small to mid-sized agencies is learning how to [...]
Should agencies be re-inventing themselves?
A recent article by Blair Enns has re-ginited an age-old question: should agencies be re-inventing themselves? My answer is that question is -- of course. But this isn't a new business development strategy. Agencies have been re-inventing themselves since they started. [...]
Hey agency owner — it’s time you got clear with your expectations
I know you think you’re a good communicator but I’d bet you $100 that, when it comes to setting employee expectations, you aren’t as clear as you think you are. No matter how good you are -- you could be [...]