60% of Your New Rev Should Be Coming From Existing Clients

When business owners are brainstorming new ways to grow their revenue, they first jump to their prospective new client list. Prospective clients who become new clients of yours are great for building revenue, but I argue to look at your current clients instead. Most of your new revenue should come from your existing clients, approximately [...]

The trailblazing benefit agency owners need to know about

Remember the “good old days” right after the recession when incredibly talented employees were easy to find, quick to hire and grateful to have a steady paycheck? The upside to that story is that in 2020 the economy is stronger, the job market is much more stable and everyone is making more money. The downside [...]

How to Give a Presentation Like a Pro

Public speaking is something many people fear — even visionary CEOs. Tesla’s Elon Musk, for example, has publicly chastised himself for his lackluster performances. Even if you’re not Musk-level famous, public speaking is an essential skill. It could be argued that every time you speak, you’re doing so to influence opinion, inspire action or stir [...]

A must read book for every agency leader

In our owner peer group meetings, one of the things we always do is share a recommended app, tool or book. It’s a really easy way to discover some new ideas and tools for getting better without lots of trial and error. One must-read book has surfaced to the top over and over again and [...]

Your Best Salesperson Called. She’s Inside Your Agency.

I repeatedly hear other agency owners lament their inability to find that mythical salesperson who can sell to prospects so owners don’t have to. My response is always the same: Are you sure that person isn’t already inside your agency? From my experience, successful salespeople have typically grown up in the agency (or at least [...]

What if you got paid to be a thought leader?

We’re all blogging, writing newsletters, trying to speak at conferences, etc. We’ve got content coming out of our ears but content does not equal thought leadership. If you and 1,000 other agencies all blogged about the new Pantone color of the year — that’s content, not thought leadership. No one is going to pay you [...]

6 Bad Habits To Break When Writing New Business Proposals

Writing proposals–whether responding to RFPs or pitching new services to existing clients–is a responsibility that most agency execs would rather avoid. Some agencies, especially larger ones, outsource the task to professional writers or even have a proposal specialist on staff. They’ve realized that it’s inefficient to ask highly paid executives to perform a task that’s [...]

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