
Search results for: agency management

Agency Edge Research series (AMI members only)

Hey there -- thanks for signing up for the 2020 Agency Edge research series webinar.  Here are the assets we promised you. Video of the webinar Deck we used at Content Marketing World Link to the Tableau visualization so you can filter/study the data based on any criteria that is more relevant to you The executive summary As always -- if you have questions, please reach out to Susan or Drew!

November 4th, 2020|

2020 Agency Edge research webinar

Hey there -- thanks for signing up for the 2020 Agency Edge research series webinar.  Here are the assets we promised you. Video of the webinar Deck we used in the webinar Link to the Tableau visualization so you can filter/study the data based on any criteria that is more relevant to you The executive summary As always -- if you have questions, please reach out to Susan or Drew!

November 4th, 2020|

Should your agency niche down and specialize? with Drew McLellan

It’s an age-old discussion. Should an agency specialize and focus on specific niches or should they be a generalist? If you’re familiar with AMI or have read the book I co-wrote with Stephen Woessner (Sell with Authority), you know that I believe there are some huge advantages to claiming your authority position and being a specialist. You don’t have to take my word for it – in this episode, I am going to show you some data to make the point. […]

November 2nd, 2020|

How to show up as a great leader within your agency with Chad Carden

After this year, I think agency leaders can all rightfully claim their MBA in leadership! With the recession and COVID-19 rewriting our plans for 2020, we’ve all been challenged to step way outside of our comfort zones. And yet, I believe we can all get even better. How can we level-up as leaders and make sure our team is aligned and bringing their best to the job? […]

October 19th, 2020|

Thank You – 2020 Agency Edge

Thank you for requesting our 2020 Agency Edge Report.  Check your email for your report. If you have any questions, please email Drew or Susan.

October 12th, 2020|

Thank You – 2020 Agency Edge Report

Thank you for requesting our 2020 Agency Edge Report.  You can download it here. If you have any questions, please email Drew or Susan.

October 12th, 2020|

A basic primer on agency math

I was in a FB group for agency owners today and someone posed the question "what is your number one tip for people starting their agency up?" I said, "Understand agency math and set up your financials and dashboards does you ALWAYS run a profitable shop."  To which, of course, someone asked me to elaborate. Given that we teach a 12 week course for newer agencies (which is currently running as I write this) and hold an entire two day workshop on all things agency math/money, I was trying to figure out how to sum up some of the core lessons quickly.  I decided I'd share some short videos I've done on the topic and a free ebook resource. So...what do I mean by understanding agency math so your financials and dashboards are correct and will help you always stay profitable?  Here you go: Videos: AGI defined AGI per FTE Your top line is not the only way to grow your bottom line Is your boat at risk? (Overstaffing costs) Why timesheets matter Billability versus utilization What are you leaving on the table? Ebook: 5 mistakes that cost agency owners money ebook   Hope these help!

October 11th, 2020|

Is A.I. a part of your agency’s toolbox? with Neil Sahota

A.I. As agency owners and leaders, we understand what it is and what it does, but we haven’t quite figured out the best way to use it in our own agencies for ours or our clients’ benefit. Many still believe it’s something inaccessible or unaffordable. But, A.I. can transform our deliverables, change the ROI we deliver to clients, and make us even better at what we do. Today. At an affordable price. […]

October 5th, 2020|

Creating a culture of active learning in your agency with Cecilia Gorman

Ongoing professional development is a challenge in most agencies. It’s tough to gather the right tools/resources, some agency owners aren’t sure about how to make it happen and for most the biggest challenge is making the time. And yet we know that one of the critical elements of our agency’s ongoing success is that our team has to keep getting better. I am a firm believer that professional development is a shared responsibility, which means your employees should do some of it on their own time and on their own dime. However, creating a culture of ongoing skills development and contextual learning is vital to stay ahead of the pack. And it’s not as hard as we might think. […]

September 21st, 2020|

How to become a more effective agency leader with Elise Mitchell

Many of us have earned our MBAs in leadership over this past year. As we wrap up 2020, we have some ground to make up and we can’t do that alone. We need to inspire our teammates to rise to the occasion, overcome their personal speed bumps, and build momentum as we drive to the end of the year. Elise Mitchell’s experience running agencies and coaching business owners provides actionable clarity on how we get there. […]

September 14th, 2020|

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