

Employee Tenure

Employee Tenure

Every agency owner dreads when a valued employee gives notice. But it's an inevitable part of our business model. What is a reasonable tenure you should hope to get from each employee? Watch »

Why timesheets matter

Why timesheets matter

As an agency owner you want to avoid storms that rock your agency. One of the most predictable causes of storms in your shop is your timesheet policy and habits. Timesheets today have very little to do with billing and everything to do with asset management. Without them you have no way of knowing if your agency is performing efficiently or effectively. Watch »

How well do you know your team?

How well do you know your team?

As an agency owner you know that your most valuable asset is your team. Understanding them as individuals and helping them understand each other so they work well together is vital to your agency's long term success. So how do you make that happen? Watch »

Building an Agency Alumni Club

Building an Agency Alumni Club

Would you, as an agency owner, like a consistent pipeline of amazing future employees? Of course you would -- we all would! One way to accomplish that is to create an alumni club. Watch »

The Rock Star vs. Super Star employee

The Rock Star vs. Super Star employee

We tend to assume that the way we reward and get the most from our best employees is to promote them. For some -- that may be the right choice. But it depends on if they're a rock star or a super star. Watch »

Unlimited PTO for agencies

Unlimited PTO for agencies

Many agency owners freak out when I suggest they consider unlimited PTO but after implementing it in many agencies over the course of a decade, I can tell you -- the upside far outweighs your often unfounded fears. Like all things -- it's all about the details. Watch »

The importance of face time

The importance of face time

Drew McLellan, CEO of Agency Management Institute, offers a weekly agency management tip to agency owners. Watch »

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