The perfect new business specialist for your agency
I work with hundreds of agency owners a year. We spend a lot of time talking about what's working and what's not working. If there's one common frustration among agency owners it's the hunt for the perfect new business specialist [...]
Hey agency owner – have you created a business plan for your agency?
Are you the kind of person who is better at solving someone else’s problems than your own? Do you see the same pattern in your agency? Do your clients get the benefit of strategy and planning and yet you can’t [...]
State of the Agency
Some interesting stats on this infographic created by They tell quite a story. How close to your story is it?
Hey agency owner – is every person on your staff a good writer?
Social media has had a real impact on not only our ability to communicate but how we communicate. Emoticons, twitter sized 140 character thoughts, tiny urls, etc. The “ease” of communication has also led to a decline in how to [...]
Client Retention Strategies: Are You About to be Fired?
Client retention strategies are critical in your agency -- especially considering one third of all advertising agency clients expect to change agencies within the next 12 months. Let me rephrase that for you -- one third of all clients are going to [...]
Agency owners need to trust their gut
I talk to advertising agency owners all day long. We talk about staffing issues, new business challenges and the angst that comes with clients. My job is to listen, ask good questions and try to help the agency owner sort [...]
What Does An Account Executive Do?
If you're wondering what does an account executive do all day in a successful agency management system -- you've come to the right place. At Agency Management Institute (AMI), we've trained hundreds of account executives, helping them understand their role [...]
Hey agency owner – are you taking care of your largest asset?
Your people are your agency’s largest asset. They’re also your biggest investment. Despite that — most agencies do not have an actual plan for attracting, retaining and growing the right people. And they certainly don’t have guidelines for how to [...]
Hey agency owner – is new business a priority?
For most agencies, the day new business becomes a priority is the same day the big client walks out the door. We all know that’s not the right way to build our agency — but it’s a default of because [...]
Ten Ways To Motivate Agency Employees
Here are some questions you should be asking yourself when wondering how to motivate your employees: Can you name ten ways in which you motivate your agency employees? Can you name one? Or are you too busy putting out fires to [...]