
Results from the small and medium advertising agency survey on salaries and benefits

For the past 12 years, Agency Management Roundtable has conducted an annual salary and benefits survey looking at the trends in small and medium sized agencies.  The survey results report allow agency owners to compare their salaries by position with how the rest of the country's salaries.  The results are also presented by agency size and region. For the first time in several years, salaries seem to be on the rise, albeit a modest one. We’d seen flat or declining salaries over the past several surveys.  This and several other indicators in the report seem to suggest that the recession’s toll on agencies is beginning to recede. A new trend appeared in this edition of the AMR Salary Survey as well.  More agencies (18%) do not have an in-house copywriter.  As freelancing and contract labor options become easier and more plentiful, it will be interesting to see how this trend evolves.  It seems to fly in the face of all the Content Marketing push that is being driven by social networks and the rush to digital marketing spaces. Agencies, like all small businesses, are clearly struggling to offer their employees healthcare coverage.  Over 90% of agencies surveyed offered their employees some form of health insurance and contribute to the costs at some level The 2012 AMR Salary & Benefits Survey Report is available for purchase at $99 The 2012 survey of advertising agencies’ employee compensation was conducted by the consulting firm, Agency Management Roundtable (AMR). The firm is the only consulting group that focuses on marketing communication agencies employing fewer than 50 people. Over the past twenty years, AMR has worked with several hundred advertising agencies, public relations firms, graphic design companies and new interactive [...]

July 17th, 2012|

Project Management Tools for Advertising & Marcom/PR Agencies

Looking for ad agency project management software? You're not alone. I don't think there is an agency on the planet that doesn't struggle with managing dozens if not hundreds of projects on a given day.  So many details, so many cooks in the kitchen and so many consequences if a single detail gets lost, misunderstood or forgotten. There's good news and not so good news and downright bad news on the project management software front. The good news is -- there are lots of excellent software choices out there at all price points. The not so good news is -- no one software is the magic bullet and does it all.  You're going to have to make some compromises. The bad news is -- the garbage in, garbage out rule is as true today as it was 20 years ago.  These project management software systems could be great for your agency, but if you and your team don't use them regularly, well and with discipline -- you will end up walking away frustrated. While I am sure this list is not exhaustive, here's a good sampling of the most commonly used project management tools for agencies.  Click on any of the names to check out their website. Some on the list are specifically for project management.  Others will let you do time sheets and there are even some that are project management and full-on accounting altogether. One of the newer entries, Zerys is mostly a custom content management system but also includes project management functionality.  So there's a little something for everyone. 10,000 Feet Advantage AgileZen Basecamp BizPad Copper CurrentTrack  FunctionFox Function Point  Intervals Paprika Project Manager Robohead  eSilent Partner  Traffic Vertabase Workamajig WorkZone Zerys   [...]

July 11th, 2012|

Running your agency for growth, profit (and a little sanity!)

You don't have to sacrifice growth or profits to have some sanity as an agency owner! "Your growth, profit & sanity workshop were two of the most eye opening days of my professional life.  I had no idea how helpful it was going to be. I now realize I can have all three and best of all -- I know how to get them!" Agency owners are exhausted from crawling uphill, only to keep sliding backwards right as they think they're about to reach a peak.  It does not have to be this way! As an agency owner of 25 years, and someone who works with/guides 250+ small to mid-sized agencies every year – we spend time with hundreds of owners, leadership teams, and their staff. We listen to their frustrations, excuses, and stories. We can help you build a stronger agency. Build a more secure future. And make more money. Attend our Running your agency for growth, profit and a little sanity workshop. "I came back to the office fired up, inspired and within 30 days - I'd found $50,000 of lost money that found its way into my pocket!" This is where owners of small and medium-sized marketing communication agencies come to learn and discuss their most important challenges. We will teach you the best practices of agency owners who are consistently making 15-30% profitability, year over year. They're not any smarter than you are.  They aren't in a bigger market or have a cash cow client.  They are simply practicing the guidelines we teach as they grow their agency. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdWWycHCncc This workshop is packed with two full days with your peers learning the tricks and tips on how to operate your agency [...]

April 28th, 2012|

Agency Tools

We're proud to make these tools available to agency owners and leaders. We know that your business depends on its organizational, staffing, management, financial and new business building strategies. We try to do our part by providing lots of free content on the blog but sometimes you need more. Our AMI manuals are a deep dive, serving as a ready to use template for: Developing your own branded problem solving process Guiding a client through a strategy session for their social media efforts Building you own agency policy manual Creating a handbook to give new clients so they understand how to work best with you The playbook for attracting, screening and hiring the best agency staffers In addition to our AMI manuals, we also publish a small (100 employees and less) agency salary and benefits report, based on the research we conduct annually. This report will help you check your salaries and benefits package against other agencies your size and in your region.  We also are happy to introduce you to some of professionals who serve AMI agencies in specific areas like law, accounting, research, lead generation, hiring and more.  

March 1st, 2012|

Planning pays off

As an agency owner, I will admit that I am pretty good at flying by the seat of my pants. But it hasn't always served me well. Truth be told -- we're always better off when we take the time to create a plan. For more information about Drew McLellan or Agency Management Institute – visit http://www.agencymanagementinstitute.com or check out the podcast – Build A Better Agency available at all the usual podcast host locations.

January 22nd, 2020|

How Clients Choose Their Agencies

Wouldn't it be amazing to understand how and why clients choose their agency? That's to our annual Agency Edge research series -- you can find out! For more information about Drew McLellan or Agency Management Institute – visit http://www.agencymanagementinstitute.com or check out the podcast – Build A Better Agency available at all the usual podcast host locations.

January 8th, 2020|

Your Value Ladder

This is a topic that many agency owners have with clients but rarely have with themselves or their team when it comes to the agency itself. Do you have a value ladder and how easy is it to access? For more information about Drew McLellan or Agency Management Institute – visit http://www.agencymanagementinstitute.com or check out the podcast – Build A Better Agency available at all the usual podcast host locations.

January 1st, 2020|

Who Owns Your Native Files?

As agency owners, we need to be very aware of how we handle any intellectual property we create on behalf of clients. If a client asks for the native files for something you created for them -- are they really within their rights to do so? For more information about Drew McLellan or Agency Management Institute – visit http://www.agencymanagementinstitute.com or check out the podcast – Build A Better Agency available at all the usual podcast host locations.

December 25th, 2019|

Factoring in Attrition

As agency owners work on new business projections, they often forget to include any attrition -- which immediately renders their target goals inaccurate at best. So how should you handle the attrition factor when doing projections? For more information about Drew McLellan or Agency Management Institute – visit http://www.agencymanagementinstitute.com or check out the podcast – Build A Better Agency available at all the usual podcast host locations.

December 18th, 2019|

AI for Agencies

One of the best conferences for agency owners who want to make sure their agency is staying current? MAICON (https://www.marketingaiinstitute.com/...) I cannot recommend it enough! For more information about Drew McLellan or Agency Management Institute – visit http://www.agencymanagementinstitute.com or check out the podcast – Build A Better Agency available at all the usual podcast host locations.

December 11th, 2019|

Need a new search?

If you didn't find what you were looking for, try a new search!

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