
Agency Tips

Survivor’s Guilt

Survivor’s Guilt

Do not allow survivor's guilt or fear of the unknown force you or push you into either making a decision or not making a decision that's right for your business. Watch »

Something to look forward to

Something to look forward to

Give them something to look forward to, give them something that reminds them that this isn't permanent, and that you guys are going to come together as a team, not only to do something together the team goal, the agency goal, but also that you're going to come together as a team to support each other in your individual goals. Watch »

Know What They Want to Buy

Know What They Want to Buy

Be mindful as you are helping and selling; that you are only helping and selling about the topic that they are ready to hear. Watch »



Take as much control of uncertainty and take away as much of the power of uncertainty as you can by counterbalancing it with the things that you know for sure. Watch »

The Paycheck Protection Program

The Paycheck Protection Program

Do anything you can to get on your banker's radar screen, so that you are first in line to get this huge opportunity to not have to lay people off, to not have to furlough people, but instead for you guys to keep working. Watch »

Alternative to lay offs

Alternative to lay offs

So before you do a wide scale layoff, or before you do pay cuts across the board, be thinking about maybe this WorkShare program and see if it makes sense for you, your agency, and your people. Watch »

Rest your body & your brain

Rest your body & your brain

Make sure that every single day, you've got something on your to-do list that is about taking care of you. Watch »

Recreate your happy place

Recreate your happy place

Recreate your happy place just in this new work-from-home environment so that everybody's ready and excited to come back to work and back to being together when we get through this. Watch »

How clear is your vision?

How clear is your vision?

Begin to think about how would you articulate this vision for your future, and then how do you share it with your team to get them excited to help you get there? Watch »



I am a firm believer, and I believe this in all aspects of my life, that when we come from a place of gratitude, magical things happen. Watch »

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