
Agency Tips

Be interesting, not interested

Be interesting, not interested

So think about that as you go forth and create content this week and this month and ask yourself, am I being interesting so that they get interested? Watch »

20 for 2020

20 for 2020

Don't compromise profit because you're afraid or you don't want to make a tough decision. What you do with the 80%, up to you, but save and protect the 20%. Watch »

The Augusta Rule

The Augusta Rule

The Augusta Rule is a great way to get some money out of the agency and into your pocket Watch »

Are you special?

Are you special?

If you haven't niched yourself down, if you haven't figured out a way to talk about yourself that does differentiate you from all the other agencies out there, I really do challenge you to think about it. Watch »

Earn Rewards Together

Earn Rewards Together

Give them a goal, give them a shared reward, and use that reward to build an even stronger, better team. Watch »

Fresh Eyes

Fresh Eyes

Three ways to bring a fresh perspective into your business, but all of these are important. Watch »

Surviving the Coronavirus

Surviving the Coronavirus

This video was shot in mid-March 2020 as the coronavirus was just beginning to impact the US. Watch »

My To Do Hack

My To Do Hack

I'm all about technology but this To Do hack is super simple and super effective. And sadly, the technology (Wunderlist) that I mentioned was killed by Microsoft to force us to use To Do instead. Watch »

Do you have a book half written?

Do you have a book half written?

My guess is that you're much closer to being a published author than you think. In this week's video, I'll walk you through how my co-author Stephen Woessner and I wrote our latest book, Sell with Authority. If we can get it done -- so can you! And you are further along than you think. Watch »

An authority is a person, not a place

An authority is a person, not a place

I believe (I even wrote a book about it -- Sell with Authority) that every agency owner should step into a position of authority and from that position -- sell what the agency knows and does best. An agency cannot be an authority. Only a person (or people) can be an authority. How are you stepping into your subject matter expertise? Watch »

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