
Agency Tips

Give them dessert first

Give them dessert first

Many agencies make this classic mistake when pitching for new work. Just remember -- give them dessert first! Watch »

Get Their Name Right

Get Their Name Right

Details. It always boils down to getting them right. It's one of the toughest concepts for young AEs to grasp, but from the client's perspective, it's the difference between getting a raise or losing their job. We have to show clients we are always paying attention to the details. Here's a simple way...that we often get wrong. Watch »

Start Today

Start Today

Sooner or later, most agency owners want to retire. You think about it in the abstract, but very few owners actually get down to the nitty gritty and put a plan in place soon enough. There's plenty you can do 5-10 years out to make sure you keep all your options open. Don't wait too long! Watch »

What’s your disaster plan?

What’s your disaster plan?

Life happens and sometimes, it isn't good. Our employees have lives outside of our office and every once in a while, their lives get disrupted with a disaster or crisis. What policies and programs do you have in place to support them through a tough time? At my agency, we'd always reacted on a "as needed" basis but a book I recently read got me thinking about creating a broader policy so my team would know they could count on me if something hit the fan. I'll be curious what you think of this idea. Watch »

Have you read these books?

Have you read these books?

I believe no matter how smart or experienced -- we have to keep learning. For me, reading has always been fundamental. I am often asked about current books but when asked for the best business books I've ever read...here's what I said. Watch »

Even if you get paid in chickens

Even if you get paid in chickens

Those two data points, how many hours of your staff is spent on billable tasks, and how many of those hours are you able to actually apply to an invoice, have nothing to do with billing. They have everything to do with whether or not you have the right number of resources on your team to efficiently and profitably get your work done. Watch »

Fringe Conversations

Fringe Conversations

One of the biggest losses we experienced when everyone was working from home was the lack of what I call fringe conversations. Passing in the hallway, overhearing a conversation and having something to add, etc. Agencies who are back in the office are sighing with relief to have these critical conversations back. Agencies who decide to stay virtual will need to find a way to replace this vital tool. Have you missed them? Watch »

Don’t Start

Don’t Start

If you don't have the signed scope of work or the master services agreement or money in your hand, you're absolutely putting yourself in a position of weakness and you are likely to get taken advantage of. Watch »

A Fresh Slate

A Fresh Slate

I want you to see what the ideal agency looks like and I want you to see the gap between what that agency is and what you have. Watch »

Celebration Walls

Celebration Walls

Don't underestimate the power of celebrating what matters and of surrounding yourself with mementos that remind you of the value that you bring to the world by the work you do. Watch »

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