Don’t underestimate the power of celebrating what matters and of surrounding yourself with mementos that remind you of the value that you bring to the world by the work you do.

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Hey everybody, Drew McLellan here from Agency Management Institute, this week coming to you from my house. Behind me is what I think of as my trophy wall. So, this shelf in my bedroom actually houses a lot of things that I hold very dear. So, there are things that were given to me by my parents before they passed away, there are photos, there are memories of special family events, there are heirlooms of things that have been passed on from generation to generation, but it's just my place to stay grounded. So, every day, I walk by it, I stop, I look at it, and I'm reminded about what matters to me, what inspires me, and what I want to be all about. And in your agency, odds are you have a trophy wall, too. So, some of you have done an amazing job of framing client work like artwork and hanging it in your office. You might have awards or trophies. I've seen some really cool things that agencies have done with client testimonials, either on a video screen or visually printing them out and hanging them places. So, you've got your own trophy walls inside your agency, hopefully, that remind you and your team of what matters, why you get up and come to work every day, why your work is important, the people that you serve, the team that you love, all of those sort of things. If you don't have that in your physical office, my question to you is why? Why not surround yourself with your own work, with words of praise from clients, and maybe even from co-workers? Some agencies have a wall where they post attaboys on the wall from employee to employee, so it's a way to celebrate the appreciation that they have for each other. Now, if you are a virtual agency, or you are going to go virtual or hybrid, one of the questions I want you to think about is how do you translate that trophy wall to a digital trophy wall, and how do you make sure it stays front and center for your team, and maybe some parts of it are accessible by clients or prospects? Don't underestimate the power of celebrating what matters and of surrounding yourself with mementos or artifacts, if you will, that remind you of the important work you do, the people that matter to you and your agency, and the value that you bring to the world by the work you do. So, whether it's virtual or physical, every agency should have celebration walls. Maybe that's a better way to call them. Celebration walls throughout their shop, talking about the value that they bring to each other and to your clients and to your community. All right? I'll be back next week, and I would love to see some of your celebration walls so send me a picture or two.

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